#AskDrBob-August 26

#AskDrBob-August 26th

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

My mom has a bunion on her foot making it extremely painful to walk the last week. Do you have any advice to help her with the pain?  

You may consider a bunionectomy. I would also stop eating sugar, fruit, and dairy.

What would be good to get rid of gout…..in the joints.

We use folate and L-Lysine which is a vegetable culture.

Dr Bob, Is there anything i can do for, my hands ache and sometimes pain will go thru my hand up thru my wrist.  Im 58 and not sure if it’s arthritis or carpal tunnel. I really don’t want to have surgery on my hands or wrist. Any advice will be really appreciated.

I would stop eating dairy and sugar for sure. (Sugar would cause the inflammation)

I use bromine in my hot tub..Should I go to chlorine instead? You say it affects the thyroid.

I would suggest a urine-loading test to evaluate the amount of iodine in your body.

Dr. Bob, I have a 17 cm cyst on my right side, what can be taken to relieve a lot of gas that’s causing extreme pain?

More info in video

I’m sorry to trouble you what can I do or take for energy? I’m 45 years old. Thank you!

The most important is be in bed by ten. I would also consider checking your thyroid and adrenal glands.

So if someone has a cortisol buildup in their system so much as too blowing through the back of their eye could eating some sugary foods help reduce their cortisol. This person doesn’t actually like deserts and sugar.

We use adaptogens to control cortisol, (stop eating sugar).

Are there any supplements one should take to prevent having a genital herpes flare-up? Or is there anything that can stop them altogether?

We have seen that calcium helps herpes, and we also use Agrisept-L to prevent virus challenges.

What causes restless leg syndrome and how do you get rid of it or treat it?  

We use choline, minerals, riboflavin to assist.

If someone already consumes flax oil that contains omega 3, 6, 9, should they continue to take their fish oil?

I would consider having a Bloodspot Fatty Acid profile which would tell us exactly what oils your body needs to function optimally.