#AskDrBob-Jan 1st

#AskDrBob-January 1, 2016

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Happy New Year!

Hello Dr. Bob…I’m reading your book, “Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones.” It’s got a lot of good information. Unless I missed it, I didn’t notice anything on the benefits of Pure Cold-Pressed, Black (Cumin) Seed Oil. I have Hashimoto’s (my Anti-TPO AB was 447.1) and my doctor is treating my hypothyroidism with 75mcg of levothyroxine. I started the black seed oil on Dec 18th and have already experienced some benefits. If you have any experience with the black seed oil, I’d like to learn more about it. Thank you!

We often recommend our practice members with Hashimoto’s to stay off gluten. Also, we recommend a selenium-based and vitamin E-based product. We also treat the numbers, and iodine would depend on the individual.

 I didn’t catch what you do about detoxing the liver…I caught a half of apple but I didn’t catch what was said on TV today thanks.  

My ABC formula is ½ red apple, ⅓ cup of beet fiber (not canned), and 1 medium carrot. The apple helps to thin the bile, the beet fiber helps to draw cholesterol out of the body, and the medium carrot also supports the liver.

I am a kidney transplant recipient, my immune system is so compromise due to the anti rejection drugs I am taking. All in all, I take 27 pills a day (anti-rejection drugs plus pills to combat the side effect of the anti rejection drugs). My question is is there natural anti rejection drugs?

At this time, I am not aware of. However, you may consider chlorella and/or Gammanol Forte which can assist in free radical activity.

I have Sjogren’s syndrome,my doctor give me plaquenil twice a day ..but still I feel pain fatigue ..my muscles are sore ,cramped.what I can do?  

My first recommendation is to go off sugar.

Hi Dr. Bob, My husband has sleep apnea is there anything natural or supplements that he can take for it?

An acid pH can attribute to that and the shape of their neck (more in video).

I heard that drinking 3 drops in water each day of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide helps oxygenate your cells. Can you advise please?

I do not promote hydrogen peroxide (more info in video)

Dr Bob, I have carpal tunnel in both hands and have for many years. Any suggestions on how to eliminate the symptoms, and can I recover completely?  

If you have carpal tunnel in both hands, it is a neck issue. My recommendation would be to find a skilled chiropractor, or come visit us in the Cleveland area (more info in video).