Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels

I have daily discussions with ladies who are living with the collateral damage from surgeries which were initiated because of estrogen toxicity. One of the most common procedures that is inflicted on the uninformed public is ablation. Ablation is a procedure that has initially been incorporated for altering heart rhythms and then for the reduction of heavy flow created by excessive menses. Heavy menses is a body signal of estrogen overload which is literally jamming up the function of the liver. I was prompted to write about ablation and heavy menses because I just finished having a consultation with a distraught female who did not know that the heavy menses could have been helped with drugless principles.

Estrogen is being mass produced and utilized for a variety of common household products including plastics, chemicals for cleaning, birth control, leather upholstery, yard treatments and food products that are not organic; dairy and animal products. Estrogen toxicity can be managed by choosing foods that promote optimal liver function; starting with Dr. Bob’s ABC’s which a step in the right direction. One-half of a red apple, one-third cup of beet fiber, and one medium carrot promote liver activity.

It has been estimated only 14% of the population consume the recommended five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. We are being exposed to an unprecedented amount of estrogen so it is so very important if you do not want to be told you have breast cancer, to eat more sulfur-based vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Eating other sulfur-based foods like eggs, onions and garlic would assist your body in clearing the excessive estrogen levels. One of the best decisions you could make if you want to get really serious about preventing breast cancer would be to have your urine estrogen levels checked. You want the urine estrogen 2 levels to be greater than the 16 urine estrogen. I am so excited to be able to help the patients who come to our office, create a plan of wellness by supporting their bodies into normal levels of physiology.

If you have tender breasts and a heavy menses it will not go away by having your uterus cauterized with an ablation. You MUST control the clearing of estrogen. The urine estrogen test is a simple tool to help you determine the strategy of food choices. I would avoid all non-organic animal and dairy products. I would also be aware of the herbicides applied to your yard, use only organic cosmetic products, and for sure, eat green foods.

Drugless Action Steps

1.  Avoid all foods with an added estrogen potential: Soy, canned and/or non-organic food.

2.  Drink water from a pure source.

3.  Eat three to five servings of green vegetables daily (Kale, Spinach, Collard Greens, etc.)

4.  Add Dr. Bob’s ABC’s to your life for optimal liver support; ½ red apple, 1/3 cup of beets and one medium carrot

5.  Add a liver supporting herb or nutritional supplement: Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root, Calcium D-Glucarate