#OptimalU-Week 28 Recap

Hi Everyone!

This week we have a variety of images to show you, and hopefully they will help you to think about making wise, healthy choices in your drugless journey, enjoy!

Dr. Bob

Day 1: Did you have freckles growing up, or do your kids currently have them? On page 326, I explain that freckles are a body signal with elevated copper (too much wheat and soy is one possibility) and low zinc.

Day 2: Lay on your exercise ball five minutes daily. This can help you stretch and improve your posture.

Day 3: In my opinion, one of the most important things you can do for you and your family’s health is to consume organic produce and meat. Many practice members have improved their conditions just by this change, which is my #OptimalU focus on page 161 today: Consume less conventional, processed food and focus on organic food.

Day 4, 5: Off

Day 6: For today’s #OptimalU, we are focusing on your liver. That organ’s role is the “oil filter” of your body, but also stores blood and vitamins like A, D, E, & K, so it’s important to keep it “clean.” You can do that by adding my ABC’s to your diet daily: 1/2 red apple, 1/3 cup of beets/beet fiber, and one medium carrot.

Day 7: Summer is the best season for fresh herbs (that you can plant, too). My #OptimalU for today on page 137 suggests adding chives to an egg salad with Celtic Sea Salt (try it for lunch).