#AskDrBob-June 13th

Ask Dr. Bob June 13, 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.

1. What can I do for SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)?

Bacteria and yeast love sugar, and I would stop all sugar and all fruit. I personally take Agrisept-L (anti-fungal and viral) everyday.

2. How do you kill these parasites in a young child who grind their teeth in there sleep? Please supply full protocol and exact products that need to be used. (In reference to this #OptimalU video)

We use Agrisept-L in our practice. We also use MSM, and I suggest eating sulfur-based foods (broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower). I would stay away from sushi, pork products, and wild game (elk, rabbit, deer).

We are also learning that cats and cat bites can have parasites. (More info and link to another article here)

3. I started supplementing with Iodine (Kelp) recently.. I remember you said in one of your videos that you supplement with 12mg of Iodine everyday.. If I buy your Liquid Iodine Forte drops, it means I’d have to take around 80 drops a day to get to 12mg since each drop is 150mcg??

A Urine-iodine test or TSH-thyroid protocol would give you a  more scientific approach to the adequate amount of iodine your body requires.

4. I’m taking doloneuron to sleep and calm the nerves so that they don’t get numb. Also what diet can I give my 20 month old daughter, I’m a C-section mom who didn’t look after my health for a yr after my daughter was born and had sinus during my pregnancy.

To calm nerves, it’s B vitamins and staying away from all sugar products. For the daughter, minimial grains (only rice), and consume sauteed or steamed vegetables.

5. What can be done (other than washing everything/vinegar & vacuuming)-, what can we eat to help fight microscopic fungus in our bodies?

Stay away from sugar, eat sulfur-based foods, and take Agrisept-L.

6.  Hello Dr. Bob I really love what you do and how you help people and I admire you because of that. I’d love to become a doctor one day I’m a sophomore in college and I would really love some advice on what to look out for.