#AskDrBob-May 28th

Hello Everyone!

This is the first time we have posted the #AskDrBob for our blog. Our purpose is for you to see the actual questions that were asked, and to then watch the video. Make sure the check back weekly.

Video: Ask Dr. Bob


1. I had just picked your book up ’18 days to ADHD free’. Looking to experiment over the summer as both my daughters are currently on medication. I also picked up a book for the Feingold diet plan. How does your plan differ from the Feingold diet and what is your input concerning the Feingold diet?

2. Dr. Bob I want to know what to do about the recent breast cancer issues, what would you suggest?

[3] What are good Memorial Day recipes?

[4] I watched your prior videos, how did you lose all the weight?

[5] What are the best skin foods?

[6]  I am currently coaching basketball. I am trying to encourage health, fitness, and physical training along with the basketball skills and strategies. Have you addressed these concerns (nutrition, protein shakes, etc) in any of your previous publications or writings? If not, do you have any recommendations?

[7] Hi Dr. Bob, I was diagnosed with epilepsy, and I experience a lot of twitching and pain in my legs and arms. What type of foods should I be eating?