#AskDrBob-October 16th

#AskDrBob-October 16th, 2015

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.

What do you do about too much estrogen? Do you have a test to see if you have too much estrogen since I know it fluctuates depending on your cycle.

When you have tender breasts and heavy menses, it is often a sign your liver might need assistance. You would be best to limit fruit and add B vitamins.

Hello. Dr. Bob De Maria mentions eating a half red apple a day. But how about green apples (or any other apples for that matter)? Are they good too? Thanks.

During my studies for an NHD, I read the book, “The Answer to Cancer” and it suggested green apples may stagnate digestion, which is why I recommend red apples.

Dr Bob, a member of my family has a health challenge and no doctor seems to be able to help. This individual will confront this situation 3 or 4 times a year, they feel their head burning, numbness in the right leg and sometimes in the arm, and instant fatigue, this lasts only for a minute and then the symptoms subside, leaving her upset, can you please give us some directions as to what it might be and what to do? Thanks!

Your family member might need B vitamins (a raw nerve issue). I would also call for an Organix Urine Test. (More info in video)

Dear Dr Bob, Please would you tell me if coconut oil and coconut milk have the same beneficial effects on the brain? Thank you very much.

I would first stick with using organic coconut oil, which improves brain function and is a medium chain fatty acid. As per coconut milk and other nut milks today, you need to be careful since many FMCG are adding many ingredients to their products.

My husband has terrible pain on his heels from bone spurs, is there anything to do for this condition? Or would ‘ICE BATH’ be just as good/no side effects & much less costly?? (I saw ‘demo’ & Testimonials’ on Dr.Oz, but greatly value your opinion!)

There are multiple ways that we could go about helping. First, bathing with Epsom salts. He may also need a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile to determine his oil levels, and a need for vitamin B-6 & Bio-CMP.