#AskDrBob-October 17th

#AskDrBob-October 17, 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.

-What can be done for swollen painful lymph nodes between the groin and upper legs? I have broken out in a few areas that look like a pimple/bug bite. I’ve been able to pop them but they refill and are itchy. I have tried oil of Cajeput, tea tree oil, & lavender oil not these areas, but still need help. Thank you!  

For your lymph nodes, consider cleaning your liver. Bounce on an exercise ball, stay away from dairy products, drink water from a pure source, and add larch gum. We use a product with our practice members called IAG.

-Dr. Bob: you write: Avoid: Soy, Soda, Liver Stressing Medication & Canned Food Why soy ? Please?

No soy because it depletes an enzyme called trypsin, and a natural affinity for aluminum and lowers zinc. (Young females should not use at all)

-Is it ok to also take fish oil along with flax oil. Or is the flax oil enough omegas? Also what is your fav multivitamin for women. 

All oil consumption does depend on what your results from an EFA Bloodspot Fatty Acid profile reveals. You need a combination of plant and marine oil(s). We use a product called Bio-Trophic Plus as a true whole food, multivitamin, and Bio-Multi Plus.

-I breezed through the change (menopause), for the most part. Now that I am getting close to 70, the years are pulling my face and body in strange sags and wrinkles. Any advice? Easy fixes?

I would pursue organic skin care serums. If you are considering nutritional supplements, I personally take AE-Mulsion 2 drops daily. Also, eating one medium carrot (organic) per day will help.

-My question is about your “Stop ADHD in 18 days” video. I am 63, male, blood type O and I think I should quit full fat dairy because of AA possibly sabotaging DHA. Would high intake of coconut oil and fresh coconut in my diet also sabotage DHA?

To the best of my knowledge, it will not. However, trans fat and high insulin will.

-How much is the right amount of iodine to take….I haven’t been taking any….and my uncle is always posting on FB that we should all be taking iodine…but I don’t know how much to take?

For the optimal result and for me to help you determine the right amount, it’s best to do a urine-iodine loading test to determine exactly your body’s needs. Many Japanese women consume 12 mg a day through eating sea vegetables. But in my experience, the best way to determine is through the test above because each individuals needs are different (larger individuals might need more, and women with larger breasts might need more as well).

-Dr. Bob, What are your thoughts on Fucoidan? I’ve read several articles that it can heal/help many chronic illnesses including arthritis, heart disease, as well as eliminating cancer cells.

[The physiological and biochemical effects of fucoidan have been examined in several small-scale in vitro and animal studies. F-fucoidan was reported to inhibit hyperplasia in rabbits[1] and induce apoptosis in isolated human lymphoma cell lines in vitro] (More info in video)

-What would suggest for a 10 yr old who has started developing and is experiencing hot flashes?

I would check their iodine (urine) and thyroid. It can also be a need for calcium and/or going through high periods of stress.

-Sometimes it takes 4-5 hours then I still wake up periodically during the night. What do I need to do?

I would encourage you to read the book, “Why Am I Always So Tired?” If you have high copper and low zinc that might be a cause as well. If you juice and wake up at 3 AM, I would halt juicing and eat the vegetables. I have more information on sleep here.

-Dr Bob, I have had burning and tingling pain in my hips, feet and legs that wakes me up every two or three hours, and then I can’t sleep for a couple hours, and this has been going on for a whole year, and no improvement. Do you know anything natural that could help me get some rest at night?

You might need to assess your vitamin B intake. We offer a test at our office, Organix Basic, please call if you are interested. Also, consider getting your vitamin B-12 levels checked, too.