
What Can I Do For | Sleep Apnea
Hi Everyone! We had a great week sharing drugless content over social media this week, including the new “What Can I Do For” on sleep apnea. Enjoy – and share with your friends who you know can benefit. In this “What Can I Do For …” I am sharing about how you can help #PreventSurgery for sleep apnea. For more information, visit this link If you have been following me… Read more

What Can I Do For | Headaches
Hi Everyone! Let’s jump right into my past week in social media with my new “What Can I Do For” – this week on headaches. In this “What Can I Do For,” I am talking about one of the biggest reason people come to visit The Drugless Doctors: headaches. Say “Yes” to 🍎 🥕 🥑 🥦 Say “No” to 🍟 🥜 🍭 🍩 For #BreastCancerAwareness, I want… Read more

FB Live: Women’s Health
Hi Everyone! Each month on the last Wednesday, I host a Facebook Live covering a wide variety of health topics. October is the month that is generally set aside for breast cancer awareness, but we decided to have our FB Live about women’s health in September so you can begin to make these changes sooner. In this video, I am sharing about breast thermography, which returns to our practice in… Read more
#AskDrBob-January 10th
Ask Dr. Bob December 27, 2013 These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life. 1. I would like to try Agrisept-L but have liver problems and do not want want to compromise any function. Personally, I take ten drops per… Read more
Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels
I have daily discussions with ladies who are living with the collateral damage from surgeries which were initiated because of estrogen toxicity. One of the most common procedures that is inflicted on the uninformed public is ablation. Ablation is a procedure that has initially been incorporated for altering heart rhythms and then for the reduction of heavy flow created by excessive menses. Heavy menses is a body signal of estrogen… Read more
The Progesterone & Estrogen Balancing Act
If you are a regular Internet user, you know there are literally thousands of articles on health published daily, and recognizing trusted sources can actually be quite challenging. I was recently interviewed by a major magazine and the freelance writer asked me why I promoted kale as a source of calcium instead of milk? I chuckled in my response to her and suggested she has been reading too many “Got… Read more
“The Week in Health with Dr. Bob”-October 7, 2013
“The Week in Health with Dr. Bob” is a new idea we are going to try. There is a lot of health related content that is posted online and print everyday, but what is true, and what can you trust? I am going to break down a select number of articles and give my opinion and suggestions. This week I look at two articles from the USA Today. Click the… Read more
Is Too Much Estrogen Causing Weight Gain?
Weight management and control is key for optimal hormonal health. The extra fat around your waistline contributes to the formation of estrogen in both men and women. I was looking at some of my personal snapshots from way back in the 1990’s. I was carrying an estrogen-making machine (big belly) and am sure my waist was pressing thirty-eight “husky” inches. It’s definitely a lot easier to put on extra pounds… Read more