Health Topics

Description Located on top of the kidneys, the adrenal glands are an essential member of the endocrine system; the glands that work in close cooperation with the pituitary, pancreas, and thyroid. One of their many functions is to help the body cope with stress. System The endocrine system is the chemical communicating method in your body that regulates male and female hormones, digestion, and blood sugar stress. It is responsible… Read more

Description There are a few topics that will cause our practice to be standing room only during a workshop, and one of those happens to be on the subject of anti-aging. No matter who you are, at some point, your body will begin to heal a little slower, your hair might become a little grayer, and your skin might become tad big saggier, but there are preventative ways to keep… Read more

Description There is plenty of cholesterol and saturated fat confusion. At one time, because of the fear of high cholesterol, trans fat was introduced into the marketplace. The food industry responded to the high cholesterol scare and introduced trans fat thinking it was a safe alternative. The truth is cholesterol is neither bad nor good. The term LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol creates the misconception that cholesterol is fat. In… Read more

Description The colon is the more significant half of the bowels where water is removed from solid waste. System The colon is part of the excretory system which is responsible for eliminating waste from the body; it is comprised of the colon, kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver. The organs work in tandem to remove waste via the air breathed out as carbon dioxide; the kidneys excrete urine via the bladder,… Read more

Description If you consider yourself to be a product of Western culture, no matter the age, you live, breathe, and work in the fast lane. Hurry, impatience, and tenseness throughout the day results in a lack of energy with unfulfilled moments. The Drugless Doctors regularly holds health talks, and attendance is always at capacity when the topic includes fatigue, sleep, or energy. Who is in the mood to have relationships… Read more

Description Your hair is a combination of protein and minerals. The texture and quality of hair is impacted by stress, diet, and hormonal function. The color of hair is also affected by diet and stress. System The integumentary system is multifaceted, protecting you from the environment and creating a balance with your surroundings. Skin is the main component of the system, interfacing with the environment. Hair and nails are also… Read more

Description The heart is an organized muscle that pumps blood through the vessels of the circulatory system. Optimal function of blood flow is critically essential for everyday health. System The circulatory system is comprised of miles of tubes directing blood from the heart to the lungs for an oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, then travels to the outer aspects of your fingers and toes. It is also responsible for the… Read more

Description Did you wake up this morning with digestive distress? We are witnessing an uncomfortable increase in the number of patients who come into our practice with this condition. With lifestyle modification, IBS can be successfully treated using drugless principles. System Although not technically a system, your digestive system contains many body parts affected by IBS. Digestion begins in the mouth and finishes in the large intestine. The food you… Read more

Description The liver is located in the lower portion of the right rib cage region and is responsible for hundreds of functions, including being the primary detoxifying organ and storing vitamins, blood, and proteins. It is an essential factor for optimal health for your immune, digestive, and excretory system. System(s) Your liver has many functions in various systems in the body, but this section will focus on digestion. Digestion begins… Read more

Description We are beginning to see a rise in Alzheimer’s and memory loss in both actual numbers, and in younger individuals. From my experience, the leading cause of memory loss and Alzheimer’s is due to inflammation and adrenal fatigue. Your adrenal glands create cortisone, which extinguishes the inflammation “fire” in your body, and stress and sugar consumption place a demand on your body’s adrenal function. System Although not technically a… Read more

Mental Health
Description Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), as a state of well-being, in which every individual realizes his or her potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can make a contribution to her or his community. The word “mental-health” has also become increasingly popular within the last few years, and we believe that with chiropractic and drugless care, anyone can improve… Read more

Description It is estimated between 50 to 80 million individuals in the United States suffer from pain on a daily basis. There are many reasons for pain, including the foods you eat. Pain is an integral part of normal bodily function. When a body part is damaged by injury from a fall, vehicle accident, sports injury, etc., chemicals are released to stimulate the healing process. Did you know your body… Read more

Description Your skin is a report card on how your liver is performing. You may have suffered from acne when you were a teenager, which has carried over into adulthood. The skin is one of the largest organs in the body and is used to rid the body of unwanted substances. In my experience, skin challenges can almost always be traced to an overworked liver handling toxic food, beverages, and… Read more

Description Do you remember the last time you had a good night’s sleep? Sleep “startups” are all the rage with new products (mattresses, pillows) promising rejuvenation. But what if we told you that what you eat, and what you choose not to eat can improve your sleeping habits (even though a new sleeping mattress might be just what the doctor ordered)? Here are some of our top sleeping suggestions. Drugless… Read more

Description The typical American, or anyone for that matter, tends to be under some stress. At our practice, we see the health effects of stress at near epidemic levels, and it is has said that nearly 80% of hospital visits can be traced back to a stress-related event. However, there is drugless relief! Take the next few moments to relax as you read methods and strategies to help reduce your… Read more

Description Your thyroid gland is located in the mid-throat area. Considered the “thermostat” of the body, the thyroid is essential for optimal cellular function, body temperature control, mental stability, colon function, cholesterol levels, and hair integrity. System The endocrine system is the chemical communicating method in your body that regulates male and female hormones, digestion, and blood sugar stress. It is responsible for reproduction, energy, and nearly all chemical connections…. Read more

Description Water is essential for life, and the human body requires water to function at the cellular level. Water is also necessary for proper digestion and elimination. Water from a pure source (preferably reverse osmosis) is the best source to daily drink a minimum of one quart per 150 pounds of body weight. Drugless Water Protocol -Begin your day with a cup of hot water and lemon. This is an… Read more

Weight Loss
Description One of the most sensitive health topics to talk about, yet one of the most prevalent in Western society, and increasingly worldwide, is one’s weight. We are living during a time when obesity levels are at an all-time high while spending products to lose weight is also at an all-time high. So what gives? The real question is: Are you happy with your weight? It has been suggested that… Read more