
What Can I Do For Earaches?
Hi Everyone! In this week’s social media recap, we look at what you can do for earaches, plus many more quick tips to help you live a healthier life. Enjoy! Have you or your children ever had chronic earaches and you just didn’t know what to do? In this week’s “What Can I Do For …” I share what we have found to help stop them for good! Hint: It… Read more
Your Thanksgiving Recipes
Hi Everyone! Thanksgiving is soon approaching and we want you to send us your tried and true Thanksgiving recipes that we will highlight in a few weeks. Please keep them as close to Dr. Bob “Approved” as you can. One of our readers will randomly win the selection below in order to entice you to send us your recipes. You can send them to and if you have a… Read more
WFAN Interview
This past Sunday, I was a guest on WFAN in New York City, sharing about trans fats, men’s health, and what to look at while grocery shopping. You can listen to the radio program here.
Snacking with Selina Naturally
Hi Everyone! One of my favorite brands I partner with is Selina Naturally, home of the Celtic Sea Salt brand. I was recently asked to write an article about healthy snacking in their most recent “magalog”, which you can view below and a link to their entire issue below, enjoy! Dr. Bob Entire Magalog
“The Week in Health”-January 13th
Hi Everyone! I hope you are enjoying my #OptimalU photos and videos, and that you are also beginning to implement them into your daily regime. For this week’s health news, I have two links about General Mills’ decision to halt production with GMO’s with their Cheerios’ brand, and also a look at the flu. Here’s how I prevent the flu year after year. Thank you for watching (click the box),… Read more
Dr. Bob’s Chicken Kale Soup
Hi Everyone! Here’s a recipe for a cold winter’s night, that I have been making for sometime with Deb. If you decide to make it, I’d love to see your photos. You can share them on our FB page! Dr. Bob’s Chicken Kale Soup Ingredients: 8 Chicken thighs with skin and bone 6 Chicken legs with skin and bone One large white onion 6 medium carrots that are to be… Read more
#AskDrBob-January 3rd
Ask Dr. Bob January 3, 2014 These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life. 1. Celtic Sea Salt looks like a teaspoon is 1920 mg, while you answer the iodoral question, tell us what you recommend as a daily dosage… Read more
“Friends” of Weight Gain
Permanent weight loss appears to be one of the most elusive challenges impacting over sixty percent of the US population. I have been a participant in conversations with individuals who discuss how easy the pounds seem to go onto their bodies, and how difficult it is to have them go away (that would be a great Christmas present). Personally, I have had my own lifelong weight loss journey – it… Read more
Foods That Balance Your Estrogen Levels
I have daily discussions with ladies who are living with the collateral damage from surgeries which were initiated because of estrogen toxicity. One of the most common procedures that is inflicted on the uninformed public is ablation. Ablation is a procedure that has initially been incorporated for altering heart rhythms and then for the reduction of heavy flow created by excessive menses. Heavy menses is a body signal of estrogen… Read more
#AskDrBob-October 11th
Ask Dr. Bob October 11, 2013 These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life. 1. Dr. Bob, do you promote palm oil for cooking? I primarily use olive oil for cooking, alongside rice oil for stir-fry, and coconut oil. Do… Read more
#AskDrBob-August 23rd
Ask Dr. Bob August 23, 2013 These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life. Bonus: My Take on Eggs I eat between 3-5 eggs per week, usually a hard boiled egg at about 10 am. One of my favorite ways… Read more
How Does Food Affect Your Memory?
Are you able to recall thoughts effortlessly? Do you remember where you placed your keys last night? How about some simple tasks and spelling recall? I want you to know there are many reasons individuals have impaired brain function including low zinc, digestive aides (they impair mineral absorption), poor or subpar fat consumption, sugar addiction and adrenal gland exhaustion. Your brain is made of fat and it is critically important… Read more
Diet Sheet & Grocery List
Hi Everyone, In many articles and posts, I discuss documenting what you eat in a diet journal. I am attaching the one that I use for my patients, and also a grocery list for when you go shopping. Enjoy! Dr. Bob Daily Diet Sheet Grocery List
What I ate over the weekend…
Hi Everyone, Here is a ‘PicStitch’ of what I made over the weekend. I grilled romaine lettuce on the grill with balsamic vinegar (I highly recommend). Next, I put together polenta, mushrooms, cilantro, and mixed together with olive oil. Lastly, I prepared my daily SWAP bag, which is perfect for your everyday snacking. Dr. Bob