A Dr. Bob “Approved” Colon

The colon is one area of the human body that most people do not converse about around the kitchen table or on the golf course.

When I mention the word “poop” or “bowel movement” in a private or public gathering, I see people immediately shifting their eyes to the floor or table. Colon cancer is frightening! Loose stools are a challenge, bloating can be annoying, and avoiding some of your favorite foods that irritate your digestive tract can be frustrating. Each of these body signals is part of a long list of standard conditions many suffer from every day.

Your strategy and the long-term goal is to create a colon that is a flourishing garden-yes, garden-providing a line of defense against invaders and simultaneously producing nutrients through metabolism.

Your colon absorbs water back into the system; it is a highly refined water filtration plant. When you eat wheat or gluten grains such as oats and rye, you are creating a literal slime along your intestinal walls that impairs nutrient absorption. I commonly see this phenomenon occur on the Acoustic CardioGraphs (ACG) I read in our patients. The ACG gives me a snapshot view of how the heart is responding to nutrients. It is not uncommon for me to see a very bizarre graph of zigs and zags that should be flat lines. When the heart muscle does not have enough nutrients (especially zinc, calcium, and magnesium), it quivers, resulting in a heart snap that hesitates. Once your colon walls are pasted with the “glue” from gluten, you will have altered mineral transportation.

I have consistently observed constipation as one of the most common challenges patients with long-term degenerative conditions and arthritis experience.

There are simple answers for constipation such as drinking water and eating vegetables. Patients with low or sub-par thyroid function tend to have sluggish bowels. I encourage our patients to take up to 12 mg of iodine a day. Iodine assists in proper thyroid function that, in turn, acts as the gas pedal in the body. If your thyroid is below optimum, you have the potential to be constipated. I would suggest considering a Urine Iodine Loading Test.

If you do not like to eat vegetables, or if they cause distress, you may have a whole body pH on the acidic side.

Vegetables are alkaline. Individuals who are acidic and eat alkaline start to release toxins. I tell patients with those characteristics to eat their vegetables steamed or sautéed at first. The warming of the vegetables assists the body into an optimal pH state.

Do you have loose stools?

Loose stools, or even alternating loose, hard, or constipated challenges, may be a reflection of a toxic environmental response to food. What are the foods you are eating? Do you know you could have a sensitivity to the chemicals in some of the foods you are choosing? I see these challenges in dairy products, eggs, and when patients go out to eat. You do not have control over the chemicals and taste enhancers they put in the food at restaurants; MSG is a common additive that has a negative impact. Some people have headaches, nausea, and low-grade fevers with certain chemicals. You need to become a detective and journal what you are eating.

Do you have a paste on your tongue in the morning? Pasty tongues are a body signal that you are toxic. I would like to encourage you to eat Dr. Bob’s ABC’s: one-half of a red apple, one-third cup of beets (organic raw grated or baked) and four or five baby or one medium carrot. The combination of these three items provides nutrients and the scrubbing activity needed to cleanse your colon walls.

I know that if you have a diet filled with refined grains and sugar with a splash of dairy you are not getting enough fiber in your diet.

I had one young lady recently come into the office with a chronic colon stagnation issue. I asked her what she ate. Her response,” Sub sandwiches and pizza.” I advised that her she was going to have colon problems until she changed. Do you know what? She never came back. You cannot have your cake, eat it too, and expect to have wellness if you do not put living food into your body.

I want to share one other overlooked point: Chewing gum will cause digestion to stagnate and, from my observation, has a negative impact on achieving optimal health and wellness. The ingredients alone are reason enough not to use chewing gum. Even the brands that use the sugars ending in “ol” are not helpful, regardless of what manufacturers want you to believe. Sucralose creates havoc in your colon: it is a sugar chlorine combination with the potential to alter the flora, or bacteria, in your colon. Did you ever use Olestra®, the fake fat that was developed years ago to lower calories and weight gain? Olestra® irritated the colon in some individuals to the point of loose stools, much like the alcohol sugars found in chewing gum.

Recipe for a Dr. Bob “Approved” Colon:

· Two to three bowel movements a day versus one every two or three days is optimal. Start your morning with a cup of hot water and lemon in the morning; eat the lemon flesh. Take time to relax in the morning so you can have a bowel movement.

· Gather a Ziploc bag of vegetables including apple slices, carrots, celery, baby tomatoes and slices of bell peppers. Eat the contents of your bag throughout the day instead of grabbing a cookie or energy bar.

· I would also suggest you leave the house with a bag of nuts: cashews, walnuts, and almonds. These, along with the vegetables, will supply the fiber and minerals needed for optimal colon function.

· Drink at least a quart of water daily.

· Make sure you do some type of everyday exercise.

· Avoid gluten products like barley, wheat, and rye.