A #NoMeds Heart with The Drugless Doctor

How can you keep your heart healthy naturally? Join us with a #NoMeds Q & A with Dr. Bob!

-What are some of the reasons why individuals go on heart medication?

There can be several body signals one might discuss with their physician concerning heart health including high blood pressure, swelling of ankles, dizziness, shortness of breath, and chest pain on exertion.

-What are some of the symptoms of heart disease?

It has been estimated in nearly twenty-five percent of the cases of heart attacks; the first symptom can be an individual grabbing their chest as they reach for the doorknob and then hit the floor. A heart attack often surprises those who are not aware of their current state of poor health. Common body signals of heart distress include chest pain on exertion, heavy breathing, dizziness, digestive difficulty, left arm pain, and fatigue.

-What is a conventional heart medication, and why might it interfere with actually helping your heart?

Statin medications are the most commonly prescribed medications to “assist” with elevated cholesterol, clogged blood vessels, and impeding blood flow. Blood thinners are often suggested to keep your blood from coagulating or bunching up, as in a ball preventing blood flow. Blood pressure medications, which there is a variety, are also prescribed to reduce the stress placed on your heart; Diuretics -> Water Pills, Beta Blockers -> Reduce adrenal hormone impact (other mineral blockers might be suggested). Assessments of heart function by an EKG or electric evaluation of your heart function and potential damage may create another reason to recommend medication.

-What are steps that anyone can take to make sure their heart is healthy?

My top suggestion is to keep your waistline less than forty inches if you are a male, and thirty-five inches if you are a female. Additional weight, and obesity can create an extra demand on your heart function. I encourage our practice members to drink water that promotes whole-body wellness, exercise (even walking daily) to keep your muscles toned, reduce your weight, and avoid foods, which create inflammation (sugar, dairy, and trans fat).

-How does having high blood pressure affect your daily life?

High blood pressure affects your heart because it causes your heart to work harder, pushing the blood through all the vessels in your body. The higher the resistance the heart has to push against, the harder it has to work. In turn, this weakens the muscle. If it has to push extremely hard, it can result in a blood vessel “blowing up” in the brain, which could result in a stroke.

-What are some of the best foods you can eat for your heart?

The best foods for your heart are those that reduce inflammation including omega-3 food precursors including walnuts, greens, flax seeds, salmon (North Atlantic wild caught), blueberries, spinach, and apples.

-What is the #NoMeds Drugless Protocol for your heart?

In our practice in Cleveland, Ohio, we look at a variety of markers to create an individual plan for your optimal heart wellness. A body signal we have discovered recently that creates additional heart distress includes a fatty liver. To study this, we have a tool called an Acoustic CardioGraph that uses the technology of an electronic stethoscope, which translates the vibrations produced by the heart sounds, and creates a graph.

Vitamin B deficiencies, limited minerals, excessive adrenal function, and the fatty liver can impact heart muscle. Blood flows through your liver on the way to the heart, while a fatty liver alters the normal pattern we observe on the heart graph with an extended closure of the valve.

Liver compromise impedes or restricts the blood flow to your heart. If this occurs over time, someone could suffer from a weakened heart muscle that can lead to failure of the heart to function. It is imperative to review one’s entire body and not just the heart when creating a heart strategy.

-Why is having a healthy heart without medication so important?

An area of real life that is often overlooked, but usually right in front of our eyes, is the fact that medications have adverse effects. I have discovered after almost forty years of practice, the harmful effects of medications can create collateral damage and make a condition worse.

Individuals who are prescribed cholesterol medication, which results in a level within the medical “normal” can still have a heart attack. Statin drugs that are used to lower cholesterol can also cause liver disease. The diuretics (water pills), which are commonly prescribed for swollen ankles and high blood pressure, can weaken your heart muscles, resulting in congestive heart failure.

If you are tired of taking medication and would like a drugless, #NoMeds solution, we would love for you to visit our practice in Cleveland or Naples, Florida, or to schedule an individual consultation for us to create a strategy for you.