A #NoMeds Thyroid with The Drugless Doctor

Why should you not have your thyroid removed?

For a second (or minute), consider yourself to be a car, whichever model you prefer. Your thyroid gland acts as the gas pedal; either accelerating, coasting or abruptly halting. In this case, the thyroid controls your metabolism. Its function has a ripple effect with the rest of your body, including weight control, emotional well-being, how much energy you have, your hair quality, the spacing of your teeth, bowel function, and even heart health. With so much responsibility, despite its small size, your thyroid gland needs to remain in your body as long as possible, preferably forever.

What are the implications of having your thyroid removed?

Removing your thyroid can impact all functions of your body and require thyroid medication for your entire life. It has been suggested that menopausal women on thyroid medication can accelerate the potential to have osteoporosis. (Note: If your thyroid is removed, most likely you do need thyroid medication, which will supply your body with T4).

If you have your thyroid removed what are drugless steps you can take to be healthy?

At The Drugless Doctors’ practice in the Cleveland, OH region, we use a neonatal glandular product that supports your thyroid function (but the patient would require a thyroid medication). Our practice goal is to monitor the typical thyroid blood tests while supporting the metabolism of thyroid hormones, limiting stress, and restoring liver function. Your liver cleanses and clears all of the medications, while stress impairs body function including your adrenal gland that is the Clyde to your thyroid’s Bonnie.

What are some body signals you can tell if your thyroid is not functioning optimally?

Body signals that are most recognizable as thyroid related include cold hands and feet, fatigue, morning headaches that stop one to two hours after waking up, depression, elevated cholesterol and thinning hair.

What are drugless steps to heal and have a healthy thyroid?

My number one suggestion for a healthy thyroid is to consume enough iodine in your diet (sea vegetables, minerals) or via proper supplementation. Bromine, fluorine, and chlorine are antagonistic to iodine, so it’s important to bathe with a shower dechlorinator.

How do I know if my thyroid is healthy?

If you are concerned that your thyroid is not functioning optimally and have the body signals that were mentioned above, we encourage our practice members to have a thyroid profile completed, which is called a TSH, T3, T4 and TPO exam.

What is the benefit of having a TSH T3 T4 and TPO exam?

A blood serum test provides the best results with subpar thyroid body signals. We also have used an individual’s armpit or axillary temperature (97.8). Your pituitary gland releases a hormone, which stimulates the thyroid to act. TSH typically elevates when someone’s thyroid is low. From my experience, when your thyroid is not responding to the stimulus of TSH, it does not have enough iodine and other co-factors to manufacture thyroid hormones. Your T4 is known as the inactive thyroid hormone and is the ‘marker’ I evaluate for iodine and L-Tyrosine levels (these two are primary thyroid hormone components). T4 is converted to T3 that is the active portion of the thyroid hormone. Lastly, TPO is an enzyme used to assess if someone has an autoimmune self-inflicting thyroid condition where the body is being ‘offensive’ to itself.

What is hyperthyroidism and what can someone do with drugless principles?

Although taking iodine for thyroid health is essential, too much can sometimes trigger a hyperthyroid. Other body signals include thyroiditis (inflamed thyroid), tumors in the ovaries, testes & pituitary. Recently, I have seen practice members who have parasites may have overactive thyroid activity, alongside individuals who consume foods with multiple preservatives in the ingredients. One practice member who had a hyperthyroid ate a pastry every day, and once he decided to stop, his thyroid resumed normal function.

How does thyroid medication negatively impact the body?

When you take thyroid medication, it alters the standard feedback mechanism in your body. For example, your pituitary gland releases TSH; if someone does not have adequate iodine, essential fatty acids, proteins and minerals, and your thyroid fades to subpar function, and medication is prescribed, your TSH levels can decrease to a minimal state, which would resemble a hyperthyroid situation. Thyroid medication is typically T4, which does need to be converted to the active form of T3 (someone on thyroid medication has the potential to continually require usage.

Someone on thyroid medication has the potential to require usage of some of the side effects continually. These include: Chest pain or discomfort, decreased urine output, difficult or labored breathing, difficulty with swallowing, dilated neck veins, extreme fatigue, fainting, fast, slow, irregular pounding or racing heartbeat or pulse, irregular breathing, irritability, menstrual changes, nausea, pain or discomfort in the arms, jaw, back, or neck, shortness of breath, skin itching, rash or redness, sweating, swelling of the eyes, face, lips, throat, or tongue, tightness in the chest and tremors. (Reference for side effects–www.drugs.com/sfx/synthroid-side-effects.html)

What is the difference between hyperthyroid vs. hypothyroid?

Hyperthyroid is a thyroid, which has been stimulated to be very active creating an abundance of activity; those with hyperactive thyroid activity tend to be thinner and may have difficulty resting and sleeping through the night. Hypothyroid or subpar thyroid function tends to be more common. The thyroid requires nutrients to function optimally; iodine is commonly deficient due to the fact it is antagonized by bromine fluorine, bromine, and fluorine. Thyroid function can be managed naturally without medication; the key is to avoid processed foods, focus on healthy, cold processed oil and organic food.