How Does Food Affect Your Memory?

Are you able to recall thoughts effortlessly?

Do you remember where you placed your keys last night? How about some simple tasks and spelling recall? I want you to know there are many reasons individuals have impaired brain function including low zinc, digestive aides (they reduce mineral absorption), weak or subpar fat consumption, sugar addiction and adrenal gland exhaustion. Your brain is made of fat, and it is critically important to have the creation of brain function operating at one-hundred percent all the time.

I know this may seem a bit odd but what you eat can sabotage your ability to think and recall. Your body takes the food you consume (including hot dogs, Jell-O, cookies and everything else you eat—now you can see why so many individuals experience subpar health) and combines it with the nutrients available to make brain fat. This process requires magnesium, which comes from green foods, and zinc from beef and seeds from plants like pumpkins. If you have family members experiencing Alzheimer’s and you are following their footsteps enjoying the same favorite “grandma” recipes—you will be just like them!

The fat in your brain used for mental acuity can be impaired by digestive aides and medications because those medications stop the absorption of minerals from your small intestine.

If you have gastrointestinal distress, I encourage you to stop fluids with your meals—especially cold beverages (they dilute the already low levels of digestive acids) and consider a digestive enzyme. Digestive enzymes promote optimal absorption. It is safe to say, from my experience, that Alzheimer’s and dementia may be collateral damage from a digestive challenge and made worse by drugs which have poorly manage digestion issues (commonly called proton pump inhibitors such as Nexium®, Prilosec®, and Tagament®). The minerals are needed to collectively bring the long chain fat your brain so critically needs; DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is created by eating precursor foods that are reassembled into your brain power.

We are now able to measure the fats in your body. I must say in my over 35 years of experience this is one of the most significant breakthroughs in our technical ability to help patients. I have more information in “Dr. Bob’s Guide to Stop ADHD” and “Dr. Bob’s Trans Fat Survival Guide”—they are must reads if you want the ability to remember if you had lunch or if you took a shower when you hit 65 or 70 years old.

Drugless Action Steps for “Brain Power”

1. Avoid trans fat and partially hydrogenated fat—one serving can linger for months sabotaging the creation of “good” brain fat.

2. Avoid artificial preservatives, taste enhancers, colors and other items for processing—these sabotage DHA long-chain fat production.

3. Add either one tablespoon of omega-3 organic flax oil per one hundred pounds of body weight or two teaspoons of Biomega-3 anchovy/sardine oil (or 3 capsules) daily.

4. Do not take aspirin—it tricks the body and interrupts DHA production.

5. Do not use proton pump inhibitors. If you experience digestive distress, supplement with Hydro-Zyme™, one in the middle of each meal

6. Avoid gluten; it interrupts the absorption of minerals stopping DHA production.

7. Have your EFA Bloodspot Test at least one time a year. You don’t want your $250,000 in IRA money to go to the Dementia or Alzheimer’s unit – You will thank me later!