The Liver Flush

If you have been following my thoughts on detox, diet, and other health-related topics, I’m sure you have seen that we suggest protocols that might be considered “different,” but effective. Today’s #DruglessDetox promotes another method of detoxification, which I have personally done, and recommend it to patients who could benefit from the procedure.

The term “liver flush” sounds exactly what the procedure will do, however, if done correctly, you will experience quite a few benefits.

If you decide to do a liver cleanse, I suggest using the castor oil pack to “soften” your liver before attempting a flush. And like the castor oil pack, I recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before performing the procedure (which is done at home).


1. Drink one quart of apple juice (preferably organic, with only apples as the ingredients) throughout each day for three days. Add 90 drops of a phosphorous liquid supplement and 20 drops of a peppermint herb to each quart of apple juice. The pectin in the apple juice and the phosphorous liquid helps to soften and flatten bile that is thick and pasty in your bladder and liver. The peppermint leaf will aid digestion. Eat as normal these three days, but for your evening meal on the third day, you may want to eat a light dinner, as you will be drinking the olive oil mixture before bed that evening.

If you cannot tolerate that much fruit juice, or are diabetic, use distilled water instead of apple juice. If you use water, you must increase the amount of phosphorous liquid. Put 135 drops of phosphorous liquid and 20 drops of peppermint leaf in each quart of water and drink one quart throughout each day for three days.

2. On the third day after the last meal (before bed), mix the following foods: one cup of high-quality (preferably organic) olive oil, one cup of pineapple juice, grapefruit juice, and natural spritzer (grape sweetened). Add the juice of one whole lemon. Stir this mixture together and drink. The pineapple juice or spritzer serves to help get the olive oil down.

3. Immediately after drinking the olive oil, go to bed for the night. Put your knees up to your chest. Lie on your right side for thirty minutes. The oil will go to the gallbladder and liver. These organs will not know what to do with the oil, so they will overcompensate and throw off the accumulated bile residue. It will be best for you to lie on your right side for as long as you can while falling asleep.

4. Take an herbal laxative the next morning. The next day, take an herbal laxative to flush the sluggish bile out of your colon.

Additional Tips:

1. Colon Cleanse: We have seen better results when patients have colonic irrigation before their flush. This clears the pathway for stone elimination. We also encourage, after your flush, to have another colonic. If you have yearly colonics, I recommend the colonic after the flush.

2. All females who pass thick, pasty bile and are estrogen dominant (determined by saliva testing) should eat beets, either fresh raw grated or baked for three months before the flush. Beets will help to soften the liver/gallbladder unit.

3. Frequency. If you are very sick (cancer), consider flushing once a month for a few months. Everyone is different, and there are no absolute rules. For prevention, flush at least once a year. Others should do it more frequently.

Results & More Info:

You might notice, stones you “pass” will be green and float. It also appears that there is no guarantee that you will pass any material from your body. Additionally:

-Females with a fair complexion with freckles and having one or more children would have better results by adding beet fiber and at least an apple a day to their diet. Minimize cooked food and eat more whole, fresh, raw fruits and vegetables during this time.

-Females on HRT products, birth control pills, or recent, long or short-term medication should follow the protocol mentioned above.

Conditions that might benefit from a liver cleanse:

-Blood sugar problems

-Chemical sensitivities

-Cholesterol problems

-Digestion problems


-Dry tongue and mouth

-Elevated bilirubin and/or liver enzymes

-Elimination problems

-Extreme fatigue

-Eye problems

-Female reproductive complaints

-Hair problems


-Mental problems/depression

-Muscle/skeletal problems

-Nail problems

-Pain in right side of the abdomen

-Respiratory problems

-Skin problems

-Susceptibility to infection

-Unexplained weight gain, or gain weight easily

If you have ever done a liver flush, I welcome your comments about your results.