What Causes Coughing?

Coughing is a common body signal with several causes.

It means there is an irritation on/in the linings of the lungs and an accumulation of fluid your body is attempting to get rid of. The fluid can be from poor heart function or an overwhelming amount of inflammation.

One of the most challenging cough situations I assisted with was a patient who coughed 24/7 for twelve years without success of letting up. We asserted her status and determined she had a straight neck curve versus a normal C shape. The patient also had a passionate addiction to sugar.

We started a protocol of correction to her spinal misalignment. Your spine is the conduit for the nervous system. When the vertebrae compress nervous tissue structures, they impair communication between the brain and tissue. This is one of the best-kept secrets in the world.

Do you suffer from chronic lung irritation?

It could be the misalignment of your upper neck. Find a skilled chiropractor in your area. We have great success with maintaining the health of our patients with regular spinal assessment and appropriate correction.

I encourage our patients to avoid dairy. The fat in dairy can create inflammation and chronic congestion. If you have a chronic cough and sinus drip/pain, it may be the yogurt and ice cream you love. I also suggest that our patients do not over consume citrus fruit. Citrus can create lung congestion.

The adrenal glands create natural cortisone that keeps body inflammation under control. I would suggest an Adrenal Stress Index to evaluate your adrenal function. If you have a cough that lasts more than three weeks, I would recommend completing a food allergy test as well.