Did you wake up this morning with digestive distress? We are witnessing an uncomfortable increase in the number of patients who come into our practice with this condition. With lifestyle modification, IBS can be successfully treated using drugless principles.
Although not technically a system, your digestive system contains many body parts affected by IBS. Digestion begins in the mouth and finishes in the large intestine. The food you eat is processed throughout that passage; each portion of the pathway has specific functions to assist the body in the absorption of nutrients. Poor digestion can result in the impairment of the entire system, including allergies, bad breath, skin lesions, and liver distress.
Drugless IBS Protocol
-Using information from food labels, start a food journal of what you eat and notice if you see any patterns between certain foods and flare-ups.
-Have a CBC with a differential. Look at your results for eosinophils (EOS), which increase with people who have parasites.
-Have a Omega Oils Serum Profile to determine how much oil your body needs since the correct oil helps leaky gut syndrome.
Your Gliadin NumberTestimonials
IBS Healed
One of our patients shares how chiropractic care has been able to help heal her irritable bowel syndrome.
Improved Digestion & Stopped Shrinking!
One of our practice members shares how their digestion has completely improved by removing gluten, and how they have stopped “shrinking” with chiropractic care!
Get to Know- IBS
In this “Get to Know,” Dr. Bob discusses certain causes of IBS, and how you can prevent them with drugless principles.
Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile
One of Dr. Bob’s esteemed colleagues noted that certain individuals who had leaky gut had a lack of important oils, which is why we recommend the Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile for IBS.
Flax Oil & IBS
If you have a leaky gut and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, you might need omega-3 oils, like flaxseed oil.
Pancreas Health & IBS
Dr. Bob shares three tips to keep your pancreas healthy.
Leaky Gut & IBS
In this video, Dr. Bob shares factors that can lead to a leaky gut and drugless solutions that can help.
We’re Here to Help: IBS Nutritional Resources for You
Wellness Consultation
Omega Oils Serum Profile
Adrenal Stress Index
Flaxseed Oil