
It is estimated between 50 to 80 million individuals in the United States suffer from pain on a daily basis. There are many reasons for pain, including the foods you eat.
Pain is an integral part of normal bodily function. When a body part is damaged by injury from a fall, vehicle accident, sports injury, etc., chemicals are released to stimulate the healing process.
Did you know your body is specifically designed to repair itself? We are a self-healing organism and pain is part of the repair process. Pain can also occur because of postural breakdown during the aging process. Aging tissues are compressed, stretched, squeezed, and moved, creating a bombardment to the supporting structures. This results in a chemical release response, causing repair from an injury to be slower and more painful.
Chronic pain syndromes are a common unresolved dilemma. The billion-dollar question for chronic pain sufferers is: What is causing the pain? The accepted mindset is that it is easier to take a pill to relieve pain than it is to make lifestyle changes to stop the pain at its root cause.
Pain is real. I have seen thousands of patients who have been in pain for years find relief in a short period without adding a new medication. Pain at the cellular level is caused by uncontrolled chemical responses precipitated by foods that inhibit PG1 and PG3 production so they cannot be part of the pain relief process. Another factor in the pain-relieving equation is overeating foods that create PG1 (safflower and sunflower oils). When these are in overabundance in the body, PG2 is formed, adding pain instead of relieving it.
Drugless Pain Protocol
-Eat a variety of fats and oils that are cold pressed. Consume limited amounts of snack and convenience foods with sunflower and safflower oil. Concentrate on using olive and flax oils. Do not heat flax oil.
-Use unsweetened, nut-based dairy alternatives, rather than dairy products and beverages. Read labels – sugar in any product creates pain.
-If you have pain, add one tablespoon of flax oil per 100 pounds of body weight to your supplement regime.
-Do not mix aspirin with flax or marine-based oil (anchovy).
-If you notice bruising on your arms or hands, evaluate how many blood-thinning foods and medications you are taking. Talk to your prescribing physician or pharmacist.
“If you want to be heard, if you want to be treated like you and your health matter, if you want results and answers, I recommend Dr. Bob. You’ll be glad you did.” – J.S.
Low Back Pain
We help many individuals daily with low back pain. Find out our approach to help you #PreventSurgery.
No More Pain After 20 Years!
In this testimonial, one patient shares how with chiropractic and a drugless lifestyle, their pain of twenty years is now gone!
Get to Know- Pain
How can you stay active without pain? What foods limit PG3 production? What is PG3? Dr. Bob continues to provide relevant health information for our everyday lives.
Get to Know- Fibromyalgia
If you have fibromyalgia, Dr. Bob shares drugless tips on how to help with the pain.
We’re Here to Help: Pain Nutrition & Resources for You
Omega Oils Serum Profile
Wellness Consultation
Vitamin D Exam
Biomega-3 Liquid