
Water is essential for life, and the human body requires water to function at the cellular level. Water is also necessary for proper digestion and elimination. Water from a pure source (preferably reverse osmosis) is the best source to daily drink a minimum of one quart per 150 pounds of body weight.
Drugless Water Protocol
-Begin your day with a cup of hot water and lemon. This is an excellent liver cleansing stimulant.
-Patients with chronic skin eruptions, from acne to psoriasis, commonly have one or two primary causes. Toxic backup from lack of pure water consumption is by far the leading cause of skin breakouts. An overloaded, toxic liver is the second leading reason there are issues with the skin. Emotional stresses, including anger, can put additional pressure on the liver to deal with the emotional response and chemical overload. Increase water intake and eat raw carrots. Carrots are a nutrient-dense food with plenty of vitamin A that your skin and liver need to promote a clean machine.
-For optimal digestion, drink water thirty minutes before or after meals, since water may dilute stomach acids needed for digestion. Limited sips (up to four ounces) during mealtime will not interfere with digestion.
-You must be aware of the water quality in which you use for recreation and bathing. Swimming in bromine/chlorine-treated pools and hot tubs tend to deplete iodine. For a natural source of iodine, add iodine-minerals like Celtic Sea Salt. Shower dechlorinators are an excellent option to reduce shower sourced chlorine.
Questions to Ask Yourself
-How much water do I drink a day?
-Is my diet filled with grains and dairy?
-Does my skin itch during the winter?
-Can I smell chlorine upon bathing?
Hot Water & Lemon
Start your day with a cup of hot water and lemon. This is an excellent liver cleansing stimulant.
Alkaline Water
One source of water I SMH at is alkaline. We have found that drinking alkaline water impacts the pH of your stomach while it’s diluting the acids and enzymes, which interrupts natural digestion. I’ve also noticed those who drink alkaline water, tend to “sip” on it all day, therefore continuously sabotaging their digestion by raising the pH.
“Previously I had constant pain in my back, right hip, and right knee along with depression, anxiety, and ADD. The information and care provided by Dr. DeMaria have improved my life. My pain is gone, and I have increased energy. The information that I receive encourages me to eat right and take vitamins and minerals. I started making changes to healthy, organic foods, and drinking pure water … and more of it!” – Wendy J.
We’re Here to Help: Water Nutrition & Resources for You
Wellness Consultation
Dr. Bob’s Guide to Optimal Health
Dr. Bob’s 1 Minute a Day to a Healthier You