Weight Loss

One of the most sensitive health topics to talk about, yet one of the most prevalent in Western society, and increasingly worldwide, is one’s weight. We are living during a time when obesity levels are at an all-time high while spending products to lose weight is also at an all-time high. So what gives?
The real question is: Are you happy with your weight? It has been suggested that a significant portion of our society would benefit if they each lost 20 pounds. The number you best know is the figure that is best for your height and weight. I would suggest going to learning your Body Mass Index (BMI) to begin. If your number is above the standard, as accepted as normal, BMI of 25, I would consider it a wise investment to start a weight loss strategy.
Losing weight requires a consciousness of reducing the intake of some of your favorite high-calorie foods for a season as you watch the pounds begin to decrease. If you want or need to lose weight, I would evaluate precisely what you are eating every day. When I started Dr. Bob’s 20:12, I looked at what I was eating every day (nuts, olives, pretzels, mayonnaise, salad dressing and spelt flatbread). They were adding hundreds of calories to my system I did not need nor have I missed in the two years since.
My weight loss plan consisted of substituting healthy, low-calorie items for the ones I was eating. I have conversations with people all the time who are taken back when I tell them nuts have a lot of calories and should be reduced. Roasted, salted almonds continue to be a favorite for consumers. Almonds are perceived as healthy snacks that do not add any calories because of the perception of being “healthy” and being right for you. Someone, along the journey of being programmed what is good and healthy for you, forgot to tell the public about almond’s hidden calories.
Salad dressing added to your daily lunch can add four to five hundred calories to your bottom line every day. An alternative that I use is one tablespoon of olive oil with a blend of balsamic vinegar with hummus, or salsa. I transitioned one of my favorite high caloric staples: organic turkey slices, wraps, mayonnaise and cheese slices, to a rice cake and coconut oil. A hard-boiled egg or rice cereal with walnuts and shredded coconut are also easy low-calorie options.
A dinner with non-starchy vegetables and a protein (chicken, turkey) will fuel your system during the evening and into the morning. I have discovered over time, the leading cause of an incomplete sleep pattern is low blood sugar at 3 am. If you are waking at the wee hours in the morning, you might want to evaluate your early morning rituals. Personally, I would avoid all juicing and smoothies on your weight-loss journey. Drinking a pile an of vegetables or fruits mixed with yogurt or grain/nut milk can spike your blood sugar causing you to have a day, week or life of blood sugar cycles that will sabotage your weight loss plan.
If you are serious about losing weight, take out a sheet of paper or set up a document on your computer and start recording your daily intake. You will be amazed when you start calculating the numbers you are taking in, and when taken seriously, you will start to lose weight. The bottom line for you to lose is: Eat less and move more. The desire for sugar and sweets can be minimized with a daily intake of chromium.
Drugless Weight Loss Protocol
– Record what you eat daily
– Evaluate your consumption and reduce calories
– Substitute high sugar caloric beverages with water with lemon
– Start the day with a protein (SWAP): Eggs, animal proteins, and green vegetables
– Move and exercise for thirty minutes daily
1. Weight Loss Success
The Drugless Doctors’ team shares how you can begin your journey to your optimal weight today!
2. Weight Loss & Weight Gain
In this video, Dr. Bob and Dr. Casen DeMaria discuss weight loss and gain, and then interview a patient that has benefited under the care of The Drugless Doctors.
“After receiving consistent spinal adjustments from Dr. Bob, my energy level has dramatically increased. He has also taught me how sugar affects my body much more than I realized. Now I am far more aware of what I eat, no longer eating desserts or sweets. As a result, my sinuses are a lot better, my back pain is completely gone (yes, there is a correlation) and I’ve lost 18 pounds without even trying!” – P.G.
“Since becoming a regular patient of Dr. Bob, I have discovered that optimal health is realized when one combines three things: spinal corrective care, a healthful nutritional approach to diet, and a nurturing of spiritual health. Through 24 years of Dr. Bob’s care and professional advice, I have gone from a 40-year-old with chronic back trouble (with the medical community pushing for surgery), to a stable condition that allowed me to reach retirement age with increased energy. My lumbar back pain is old history, and my neck pain has been eliminated. I also lost about 15 pounds and kept it off. My red blood cell count has gone up, which lowered my risk of anemia.” – Larry D.
We’re Here to Help: Weight Loss Nutrition & Resources For You
OptiChem Profile: Includes Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
CBC with a Differential (Contact)
Thyroid Panel