My Forty Thoughts on Forty Years of Practice

Hi Everyone!

This month, I am celebrating my fortieth (!!!) year in practice as a chiropractor. I still have vivid memories, and so does Debbie, of our first day in Elyria, Ohio. To celebrate, I have put together forty things, both personally, professionally, and even nutritionally, I have learned and implemented most often. If you have been a practice member, I would love to hear any memories you might have had. You can send them to Here’s to the next 40!

If you’re married, begin your day by praying with your spouse.

If you’re a business owner, treat your team members with respect.

Saying “Please” and “Thank you” go a long way.

Ask others how you can help them and make their job easier.

You create your world with the words that you speak.

The early bird indeed does get the worm. (I routinely get up at 4:45a to pray, exercise, and begin the day).

Be engaged in the community where you work, especially if you are a small business owner. Others want to see you win, but don’t know how to support you if you’re not out engaging in the community.

Embrace helping future generations. It’s never too late to help share your craft with young leaders.

Keep business talk off of the family dinner table. #TrustMe

Fight for what you believe in — in my case, your body can heal itself from the inside out with chiropractic and proper nutrition care.

My last day at 362 E. Bridge St (2013)

Now — for the health “Nuggets”

Gravity does not take a vacation. That’s why I always recommend standing up straight!

Your spinal alignment is compromised beginning at birth.

What you eat, you become

Poor posture reduces lung expansion and energy

Thinning hair is common with subpar thyroid function.

Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are two of the most significant health villains I see.

A healthy colon is a happy you. It’s best to have at least two bowel movements each day.

Eating fruit can compromise liver function, which is why I do not promote eating fruit except ½ of a red apple each day.

White spots on your nails are familiar with individuals with low zinc (wheat depletes zinc).

Toenail fungus may be a “gut” toxicity issue.

Chronic back pain may suggest abnormal vertebrae.

Never underestimate the power of proper oral hygiene. This includes flossing every day!

Parasites are commonly found in individuals who eat sushi, wild game and have cats.

Groin pain is typical with a lower sacral subluxation

Individuals who are depressed can have a low thyroid.

Exercise Exercise Exercise! Move for at least thirty minutes a day, but preferably an hour.

No organs should ever need to be removed. #PreventSurgery

Your liver’s size will depend on what you put in and on your body.

Eat my ABCs each day for a healthy life (½ red apple, one medium carrot, ⅓ cup of beet fiber)

People who cry easily often need B vitamins.

Smelly feet often suggests kidney overload.

Vitamin D helps bring calcium from the blood to the intestine.

Peanut butter can be a factor in those with chronic sinus concerns.

Diet soda pop should be avoided at all costs.

The gallbladder is your reservoir of “detergent” in the body.

Breast and ovarian cysts can respond favorably to clear liquid iodine application.

Bromine, fluorine, and chlorine antagonize iodine, which is one reason why I suggest having a shower dechlorinator.

Drink water from a pure source, while avoid drinking alkaline water.

Eggs are better than eating egg beaters. I have at least one a day.

Bouncing on an exercise ball helps to support lymph function. I bounce daily for 15 minutes.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this. Come and visit me in Westlake, OH or Naples, Florida, or come say “Hi” at — you’ll be glad you did!