#OptimalU-Week 4 Recap

Hi Everyone!

This week, my #OptimalU posts ranged from castor oil pack application, to taking your body temperature, to sharing what you have learned so far. Tomorrow, is my first “hangout” at 9PM EST, which we will be discussing water and taking your general health questions. In a few days, our new focus will be starting, and I’m looking forward to sharing our new month’s pictures and videos with you, too! If you would still like a free preview of my “Guide to Optimal Health”, please click here, you’ll be glad you did!

Dr. Bob

Day 1: Drink water that is room temperature, before or after meals, and don’t drink water that has not been purified.

Day 2: Eat vegetables, whole grains, and beans-all of which are rich in magnesium. Multivitamins rarely contain a day’s worth (320 mg for women and 420 for men), since the amount needed wouldn’t fit into a single tablet. Kale is a great source!

Day 3: Take your basal armpit temperature for three mornings in a row. This simple procedure is a monitor for optimal body function. The temp should be ______.

Day 4: Share with one person what you have learned about how important water is for a healthy body.

Day 5: Off

Day 6: Eat half an apple (red) daily for fiber and to keep bile flowing freely from the liver.

Day 7: Weekly application of a castor oil pack to your liver promotes healthy function, however, check with your healthcare provider before using just as a precaution.
