#OptimalU-Week 6 Recap

Hi Everyone!

We are well into February now, and also new pictures and videos for relationships and food that will have your health at optimal levels. This week there’s content about herbs, and my first “Throwback Thursday,” but certainly not my last. Our next LIVE event will be in two weeks (February 26th), and we will be focusing on relationships and heart health. Come with your questions!

Day 1: Go for a walk…everyday!


Day 2: Make an effort to spend quality time with your children. (Throwback Thursday!)

Day 3: Two teaspoons of sardine/anchovy oil every 3 days while avoiding sugar and trans fat, will reduce inflammation naturally.

Day 4: This has been a foundation that has helped me in my relationships, found on page 419: Meditate and chew on God’s Word daily.

Day 5: Off

Day 6: Choose herbs from an organic source. This can include herbs for food (basil, rosemary, thyme) & medicinal (yellow dock, peppermint leaf, licorice).

Day 7: Shut off the TV today!