World Mental Health Day

October 10, 2018
Hi Everyone!
Today is World Mental Health Day, and we created this special video to help show how chiropractic and drugless care can help you on your road to optimal health. Please share with anyone who you know can benefit.
Mental Health and Your Brain
What is mental health? Defined by WHO as a state of well-being, in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.
Why are we, as Chiropractors, talking about mental health? Brain & Nervous System – Current research is showing that chiropractic care alone can increase brain function by 20-50%.
How does someone’s mental health impact their body and current state of health? Humans are the only animals who regularly experience a stress response without an actual stressor present.
- Common conditions include: depression, anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), drug addiction, worry, social anxiety, phobias, and panic attacks.
- Research: Alzheimer’s and Dementia have been linked to high aluminum levels in the brain.
- Aluminum comes from: soil, water, air, foods, drugs, deodorants, cosmetic products, and toothpastes. You may also find it in aluminum products, including: containers, foils, and cooking tools.
- Traditional medical approach for mental health include: medications or therapy.
The Drugless Doctors approach: What can we do about these items from a natural perspective?
EFA Bloodspot test, lab work, zinc taste test, pH test, and hair mineral analysis; to name a few.
The Brain Diet; A good diet = A happy brain.
- Stable source of energy: protein. (The brain uses roughly 20% of your energy, but is only about 2% of your body weight.)
- Nutrients: nourishing food (green leafy vegetables, and a rainbow and variety of vegetables)
- Antioxidants: reduce oxidation; keep the brain “clean”
- EFA’S: protect the brain, decrease inflammation, and transmit messages
- Water: drink ½ your bodyweight in ounces everyday (the brain is 78%water), thirsty = dull
- Avoid: sugar, wheat, and soy (it takes minerals and zinc out of the body)
- Get involved: don’t isolate yourself- BROGA, relationships, and social activities
- Exercise!
Nutritional support for brain:
o Coconut Oil
o Vitamin D-Mulsion: Immune support, take 2-3 drops on tongue until April
o Essential Fatty Acids: Optimal EFAs for brain support, take 3 capsules/day or 1 teaspoon/day
o Li-Zyme Forte: a vegetable based lithium for mental stress and depression, 3 tablets, 3x/day
o Bio-B Complex: B vitamins for stress, take 1-3 tablets/day with meals
o Celtic Sea Salt: minerals get depleted during stress, use liberally
More Info: Here
Thank you all for watching, to help you on your road to optimal health, you may consider a thirty-minute consultation with me. Please use the code: Wellness10 to receive 10% off (offer is only good if it’s your first consultation).