#AskDrBob-July 3rd

#AskDrBob-July 3rd

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to watch Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob at druglessdoctor dot com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.


-I have a question concerning spider veins. I am not overweight, and never have been. I am suffering from spider veins only in the upper thigh area in the back of the leg. I have a few near my ankle. I have rubbed creams on them, and elevate my legs when I can, nothing seems to be working. I drink plenty of water, but that hasn’t helped either. They are very embarrassing to the point that I will not wear anything that shows that area.The major aspect is the vein health and how I can keep my veins strong. They seem to break over nothing.

If your liver is compromised, which could be in this case, you may have a fatty liver. If you are still having your menstrual cycle, I would recommend B vitamins. We also use a bio-detox pack and castor oil pack at our practice. If you have two or more children, it can be a fatty liver as well.

-Hi Dr. Bob, Would like to hear your advice on psoriasis – How to treat it naturally – I understand that this autoimmune disease is a malfunction of the liver. Thank you and I look forward to receiving your advice.

More info in video.

-I quit drinking soda and have not been able to lose any weight, what else can I do?

More info in video.

-Have you ever heard of warts on a child like these? how are these treated naturally and are they contagious?

It could be contagious. It could also be a sign of low manganese. We utilize Agrisept and IAG.


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