#AskDrBob-July 31st

#AskDrBob-July 31st

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to watch Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor dot com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.


– Hi Dr. Bob! I just saw your video where you were discussing the treatment of Blepharitis. I was curious on which type of water to use? Do you mean purified water or boiled water so its clean? Or, can I use the eye irrigation solution water which is purified and is safe for the eye. I have been dealing with Bleph for over 1 year now, and it’s the most miserable experience. I have cut all sugar out of my system after I was diagnosed and only eat organic. However, the eye doctor said I still have anterior and posterior blepharitis. Which cause my eyes to be really dry. Any help you can give would be great.

I would use the purest form (distilled from a glass container). It would also be best to eliminate dairy and peanut butter, which I have found to be a cause of chronic eye issues.

– Hi Dr Bob I was wondering when you say your abcs eating an apple carrot and beet every day can lower cholesterol up to 50 percent do you mean it lowers blood cholesterol or also takes away cholesterol and reduced fatty liver too ? And decongest the liver and gall ? My other question is that I have excess testosterone how do I make my liver and gall process my excess testosterone? Can eating an apple make my liver process it ? Thanks

Eliminating sugar and trans fat can help (more info about numbers in video). Broccoli and chrysin can help your testosterone.

– Hi Dr. Bob, I have diabetes and have been keeping it under control with diet and not much exercise. I have a problem with high blood pressure. I’m on Lisinopril and I know it isn’t good to be on meds. I was taking fish oil. What do you think is the best fish oil or krill oil? I’m trying Armour to see if there is a problem with my thyroid. Problems don’t show up with the thyroid tests. I was in a car accident the end of February and feeling the effects now after I thought I was over the symptoms. I felt better when I was in drier climate. Now that I’m in Cleveland, the weather makes me tired and achy.

I have found that magnesium is the best way to help your blood pressure. We have it in liquid and solic form. I would also concentrate on eating green vegetables. As per the oil, we use, and I take personally an oil that is anchovy/sardine-based.

From Cat Shaking Head

– Are scoopable litters a “no-no”

More info in video

– I have type 2 diabetes but has improved by eating right, but have a problem with my sinuses I can feel fluids all around my body even in my joints (Knee area, Elbow area head & shoulders) most of all I have no post Nasal drop. What is causes this issue.

I have found that the best way to stop fluid retention is to get off of peanut butter and dairy, gluten and sugar.

– Hello Dr. Bob, I am at my witts end with my constant calf fasciculations, had complete blood panels run, vitamin d, vitamin b’s, magnesium, you name it.. I was quite taken by your presentation at American Greetings, and thought perhaps you may have the cure smile emoticon what course of action would you suggest when I make an appointment – thanks Doc.

I would focus on minerals, including Celtic Sea Salt and a possible Epsom salt bath. (I mention 3-GGG-B in the video).

From Thyroid Insta-tip

– What to do naturally for hypothyroidism? I had a baby 6 months ago and I know I have it.

It’s best to follow the numbers from a TSH T3 T4 exam. I have also found that GTA is a supplement that helps.

– How does hypothyroidism cause wide-spaced teeth? Thanks.

More info in video

– What’s the best Reverse osmosis system to use? I would really like to know. Thank you.

I currently use a system from GE, but have used Kinetico in the past. Both of which worked

– I have high cholesterol. I refuse to take statins. Currently I am trying Oat B-glucons that I ordered from Nutrim. I am taking half the prescribed dose, Plenty of water and I am suffering with bowel problems as a result. I am desperate to find something that will help me. What can you offer me in the way of advice.

More info in video

– Hello Dr. Bob–I have another question for you! I have nasal polyps from allergies that swell up from time to time and I really don’t like using my steroid nasal spray to treat them! Is there anything I can do to really shrink them down and to possibly get rid of them altogether?

The best thing you can do in the beginning is to halt all peanut butter and diary. (More info in video)

– What can i do for vitiligo?

I have found that a lack of tyrosine can be a trigger of vitiligo. Contact us for the exam I discuss.

– I am 29 year old male who took sleeping pills for 10 years, but now i have digestive challenges like 20 min after eating gas and bloating and burping and i get dizzy spells when walking what can i do do better my digestion?

Sleep disorders is a signal to me that your adrenals are exhausted. (More info in video)

– Dear Dr. Bob, I am trying to find a supplement that would have alpha, beta, delta & gamma Tocotrienols that doesn’t have tocopherol in it, but it seems to be an impossible task. Please advise whether all four need to be taken daily and, if you know of any brands of tocotrienol that contain all four without tocopherol.

We use Tocotrienols from Biotics Research. (More info in video).

– Dr. Bob: a recent blood test for vitamin D level revealed a very low reading of … 21 …..  I am a young 83…year old woman… spend a lot of time  “inside”.. weight..of  215.. restricts me from doing the walking that I need to to… my physician said to take 2,000 vitamin D .. no other specifics.

I would consider our liquid vitamin D (More info in video).

– I am so interested on your opinion on  a bone spur on back.  It is causing weakness in left leg and foot. I love what you have to say about the human body and giving up dairy as you recommended has really helped me. Thank you for any consideration.

I would consider coming to visit us at our practice. (More info in video).

– Dr. Bob, I recently saw your video about controlling high cholesterol by eating 1/2 an apple, 1/3 cup beets & a carrot daily. My questions are: What kind of apple is best to eat? Will eating a whole apple be as effective as eating a half?

I eat Fuji and gala primarily, and would also limit or not eat green apples since they can stagnate digestion.

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