#AskDrBob-March 25


#AskDrBob-March 18th, 2016

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.

Hi Dr. Bob, First of all, I would like to thank you for answering people’s questions. My question for #AskDrBob is related to my 12 year old daughter. She has Eczema since she was a baby. Her Eczema has ups and downs, but 2 years ago it became worse and she got cremes such as vaseline parrafin prescribed by the doctors. She was itching her skin all the time and especially at night she began to itch a lot. She would cry at night and tell us she hated her life with Eczema, she even told several times she rather want to be dead than to live with Eczema. My wife got really tired during that period, and we had a lot of sleepless nights. Thank God after discovering a healthy lifestyle, her Eczema has been improved now and the itching is getting less. When we discovered you, my wife insisted on asking you about what you would suggest us to do, what things she should not do/consume and what she should do/consume. My wife is really tired from her Eczema, so hopefully you could help us with your suggestions on ways to get rid of her Eczema. We thank you from the bottom of our heart in advance. I also want to add that when she get angry or sad at this moment she starts itching.

What I have learned about eczema, your daughter could be hormonal. I would recommend and have seen positive results with Blackcurrant Seed Oil and also reading my “Drugless Guide to Detoxification.” I would eliminate ALL fruit.

What do u recommend for floaters and cataracts?  I now found, through research, not through my doctor, That cataracts can be caused by high levels of lead. I had myself tested and my lead is almost off the chart.

I have noticed over time, the leading cause of cataracts happens to be an excessive amount of calcium not being balanced by phosphorous.

I heard you should poop twice a day for good colon health.  How can one poop twice a day? I eat a lot of vegetables and drink a lot of green tea and take a probiotic but still go only once a day.

I have noticed the leading cause of constipation is either not drinking enough water, low levels of magnesium, which is why I recommend kale, which has magnesium, and/or you may have a low or subpar thyroid. More info in video.

What would cause an adult’s sinus cavity to ‘collapse’, and can the body be strengthened to stop this problem?  What reason would an MD have to recommend removing a ‘collapsing’ sinus, in a person without cancer?

I have not heard of a collapsing sinus before. I know the major reason for sinus issues derives from eating peanut butter, dairy, gluten, and sugar, while not drinking enough water.

What can be done to clear chronic sinus infections in a person with a deviated septum,  that prevents nasal saline irrigation?

I had a deviated septum and had it repaired while I attended college. I know I had a traumatic birth, which would suggest my upper neck was out of alignment. You may consider having an X-Ray to determine your spinal function, which may compress nerves going to your sinuses.

What causes sinuses to be chronically dry, and bleed easily?  

Chronic sinuses are common with a lack of water and/or lack of iodine.

Is the new, nano-particle, colloidal silver 10ppm safe to use in a nebulizer or humidifier for help overcoming respiratory infections? I have seen the experimental suggested dose at one teaspoon per treatment.

I do not know enough about the nano-particle silver product to make a comment.