A Drugless Heart

Hi Everyone!

In America, February is recognized as National Heart Month. One of the reasons is to raise awareness of the muscle that is the number one “killer” in the US. However, it does NOT need to be that way for you. Below is a list of videos and articles for you to make wise decisions for your heart health, including blood pressure, cholesterol, and information about trans fat.

Also, we have created our “Heart Bundle“, which includes Bio-Cardiozyme Forte, Bio-B 100’s, and Optimal EFA’s from Biotics Research that are geared to help provide the nutrients your heart needs. If you decide to purchase the bundle, you will receive “Dr. Bob’s Trans Fat Survival Guide” for FREE!

Thanks for reading the articles and watching the videos, I know they will make a difference in your life!

Dr. Bob

“Get To Know” Heart-Video (Click Below)

Picture 31

“Get To Know” Cholesterol Video (Pre Dr. Bob 20:12) Click Link

“How Do You Prevent Heart Disease” Article

A Dr. Bob “Approved” Heart Article

I Have: Heart Disease (Description)