#AskDrBob-April 10th

#AskDrBob-April 10th

These were the questions that were sent in by our audience within the past few weeks. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have a general health question, please email us at askdrbob at druglessdoctor dot com, you’ll be glad you did!


-Hi, Dr. Bob! I have been given birth control to regulate and control heavy menstrual bleeding. I did not want to do this, but didn’t know what to do. My bleeding was out of control. Is this wise to continue or what should I do? Do you know a health doctor such as you in Kentucky? You wisdom is badly needed.

It’s important that you lower your estrogen since heavy menses often means too much estrogen. You can do this by improving your liver function and adding certain herbs like milk thistle and Livotrit, and B vitamins.

-What can be done for people with MRSA flare ups?

We use called a natural antibiotic called Agrisept-L, which is anti-fungal.

-Good day Dr. Bob. I know u have answered this question 1,000 times but I have bp and it’s almost impossible to lower naturally. I’ve tried everything….weight loss, no grain diet, water cure, breathing exercises, exercise regularly green smoothies with flax seed, krill oil, supplements for years now.. you name it! I don’t know where else to turn. Can u give me any leads? something I’m not checking…I don’t know!!!!!!!!!

It’s important to give your body magnesium. Green food such as kale and Swiss chard contain magnesium, and we also use a product called Mg-Zyme (more info in video).

-I have recently been diagnosed with quite severe degeneration in the neck, and have been told to take glucosamine/chondroitin, however because glucosamine is derived from shellfish, I do not want to take it, because I do not believe that seafood is a healthy food.  I have also as yet not come across any real evidence that these two substances are of much benefit.

-Can you tell me, please, if the Bio-Musculoskeletal would be what I am looking for? Apart from regular adjustments and exercise, I am told that I need to be able to protect the remaining cartilage from further deterioration.  

It’s important to fix your upper back. You can do this by limiting ALL sugar you would eat. Glycation can accelerate neck decay.

-Just watched your video on iHealth YouTube. I suppose I should ask my Family Doctor to order this test, right ? How much oil should I have on my body? Also, please tell me how do I add Fatty Oil to my body if I need it.

We use the Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile, which helps to determine the oils and amount you need. It’s best to take this test every year or two since our bodies are always changing.