Ask Dr. Bob August 16, 2013
These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.
Bonus: Information about backpacks
They can create postural challenges for your children. It should rest slightly above their waist. The least amount of weight they carry is ideal.
1. Is there a solution for a person with Hidradenitis Suppurativa?
From my experience with skin, I would consider parasites (wild game, sushi, having a cat) to be an issue, and blood sugar. I would STOP dairy.
2. I read l-glutamine can drastically reduce pain and tiredness associated with fibromyalgia?
Look at your CO2 on your blood test, if you are in the 20-22 amount, you could use l-glutamine. I suggest Li-Zyme from Biotics Research, but instead of ‘taking’ something, eliminate sugar and citrus.
3. What can I do for fibromyalgia?
It’s a body signal that your adrenal glands are exhausted. I suggest eliminating sugar.
4. Dr. Bob, I can’t seem to stop sweating. What do you suggest?
You might need to help support your adrenal gland(s). Here’s a link to more adrenal support articles.
5. Dr. Bob, school’s starting, what do I feed my kids?
You can’t go wrong with a hard boiled egg or sunny side up egg for breakfast, and apples with almond butter. I also suggest baking squash and cinnamon. STAY AWAY from sugar-based cereal.
6. What product do you recommend for man-boobs?
The issue would be too much estrogen, and limit soy.
Products I Discuss This Week:
For more information on our monthly special (EFA Bloodspot Profile Test), watch Dr. Bob’s video.
In the question about Hidradenitis Suppurativa, you recommend treating for parasites. How do you test and treat for them? How do you know without a fecal test what kind you have or does it matter? How do you treat to be sure you catch them during a phase of life where they are able to be killed in the digestive tract? I have chronic sebaceous cysts (wens) and thought maybe this was worth looking at as a cause.