#AskDrBob-January 23rd

#AskDrBob-January 23, 2015

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


-Hi Dr. Bob: Heard Turmeric is soy?? Am I wrong? Can we take turmeric pills when having a thyroid problem?

Turmeric is not soy.

-Why does my nose drip so much while outside doing my chores? It’s cold out, and once I get into my work outside, the nose just starts to continuously drip… this has been going on for years. Its not a cold, not allergies or exposure to anything odd… within 5 minutes of starting to work outside, the dripping starts.

Cold weather might irritate your nose because of the thyroid. Seasonal weather could be a body signal your body needs iodine.

-Do peanuts cause hypothyroid?

Peanuts are yeast, and may interfere with thyroid function.

-What if my thyroid has been completely removed due to Hashimoto’s disease. What do u suggest?  

If your thyroid has been removed, you will, more than likely, need to be on some type of thyroid medication.

-Dr Bob I am 52 and full menopause. I am very frustrated because I have tried every diet I know of. Went to a cardo doctor that put me on a all protein diet. And no success. Now my joints hurt, and blood work is very bad. cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes. Which by the way I have never had. Hot flashes, headaches, feet pain, and tired all the time. I need a doctor like you in my area so I can get some help. I go to the gym everyday but the weekend. I eat veggie and protein. But still nothing is happening. I am on thyroid meds because I am Hypo do to half removed 15yrs ago. 40 lbs and all of the problems have come about in the last 3 yrs. what do I do? There has got to be a better way for going through “the Change” help please.

Part 1 Answer: How to help “The Change”? I would read “Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones” in detail. Besides that, I cannot make any other suggestion.

-I’m confused about having symptoms of low thyroid yet lab work showing hyperthyroid: TPO >900; TSH 2.7; Free T4 1.1. I’m also thin; struggle to keep weight on.

Hashimoto’s is autoimmune, low thyroid is different.

-How does one get tested for parasites?  Does the test tell you which parasites are found and the quantity?  

Parasites are best tested with a stool sample, a CBC with a differential, and/or microscopy. You can contact The Drugless Doctors for these tests.

Can you talk about histamine sensitivity/intolerance.  

A histamine challenge often suggests a need for liver help. We use a powder vitamin C.

-I’ve had hives in ’08 for 6 mos all over body – not even an allergy doc did anything until i saw a doc who was into Lymes and he had me eliminate dairy, all sugars including fruit, grains – at nothing but veggies, meat (unprocessed), beans…like chili – but now have been dealing with probably leaky gut, and food sensitivities, have a red face like small acne looking but told due to histamine – can’t tolerate certain foods, no fruit – also have a whole in my nose that ENT doc has no idea why – am sensitives to smells – all sugar, even fruit i can’t eat due to making sinuses worse – i have a bloody crust nose like all the time – the 2nd time i saw ENT doc end of Dec. said it was doing a little better and wouldn’t send me to an immunologist – and will see him in June.

The nose thing is horrible and I need to pick the dried blood, and not so dry and use up a ton of tissues and not for much.

Sorry this is long – also a frozen shoulder that unlike last time on right arm PT only helped a little and still has not enough motion to it – was told to have surgery and do not want to do it, and when tested my ortho he said even my right one is not 100%, think like 80-90%.

This can be a digestive concern (more info in video)

What is your suggested treatment for macular degeneration?

I would focus on cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower)

My daughter has black circles around her eyes since about eight years ago. I have tried many remedies. She is 18 now and it is not any better. Do you have any ideas what may be the cause and/ or solution.

I would eliminate ALL dairy and wheat.

Should I take the stress bundle to handle my first depressive episode of my life? Please recommend it just started in the last 10 days since I came back to Arizona.

I would suggest a Bloodspot Fatty Acid profile.