#AskDrBob-June 19th


These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to watch Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob at druglessdoctor dot com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.

madewithOver(42)– What causes “trigger finger” and what can be done apart from cutting the tendon or relying on chronic ibuprofen?

I have found that vitamin B6 can help “trigger finger” since it helps to create prostaglandin 1 and 3, which helps take away inflammation. You can contact us for the Chem Profile (more info in video)

– Thoughts on how to ease disabling rheumatism pain for someone not using much sugar, dairy, wheat, or nightshades (non-smoker nor overweight).

I have found this is often best treated with a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile, which helps to determine which oils your body has too much of, or too little of. I would also encourage essential fatty acids, but the Bloodspot test is a good foundation.

– If a person did a DNA test, and cannot take methylate folic acid, nor tolerate the lab-made version—gets a rash, what can they do to fix this cause of chronic depression?

Skin outbreaks are usually a result of your liver being plugged, and a rash is oftentimes an indicator of adrenal stress. Depression might be a need for flax oil and/or a subpar thyroid gland. (More info in video)

– Are there things to do at home to try and halt progression of adult scoliosis?

The best thing to do is to receive/take X-rays. (More info in video).

– What should be supplemented to treat osteoporosis besides Calcium, Magnesium and vitamin D?

I have found that sugar and stress are often two of the biggest culprits of osteoporosis. There might also be not enough digestive enzymes and adequate calcium. I would recommend a vitamin D test for this scenario. (More info in video).

– Is vitamin D related with tendonitis and Hashimoto’s?

Hashimoto’s is initially a lack of iodine, I would also check your gluten levels as well.

– Your #NoMeds Breakfast Comments

(More info in video).

– What are your favorite probiotics and a natural electrolyte drink?

We use and promote BioDoph-7 from Biotics Research. Our natural electrolyte drink we promote is water from a pure source, combined with Celtic Sea Salt, Bio-Multi Plus and Amino Sport.

– I am 49 and I was diagnosed with lichen planus (autoimmune condition, rash) last fall. Never had any issues before with my skin. My doctor prescribed a steroid cream. I stopped using it and would like to clear this up naturally. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much.

To begin, I would have an Adrenal Stress Index and then use Agrisept-L (ten drops daily). More info in video.