#AskDrBob-March 11th


#AskDrBob-March 11th, 2016

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.

-Dear Dr. Bob, I hope this message reaches you well. I want to start off by saying that I absolutely love your devotions on the Bible App, I am currently doing the “Cleanse and Purify” devotion and it’s incredible! I live in Canada and purchasing organic foods here is difficult because it is either VERY expensive or simply unreliable (no food regulations)… But I will continue to eat well to the best of my ability. I was writing to you because I would love to know your opinion on “fillers” and “Botox”. People say that these are becoming more and more “natural”, as in, these products dissolve in your body as opposed to the old silicon ways which remained in the body … Is this something you would advocate? I am 26 years old and a lot of the women at my spa have started to get these things done… I am more a fan of natural things but was curious of knowing your highly valued opinion. God bless you and hope to see more of your devotions!

I do not promote botox.

-I would like to know how to get an adequate water source when you live in an apartment and you can’t really alter anything? Also wanted to know how to get more vegetables in my diet in the winter it’s really hard because I have a portable cooler that tends to freeze salad and things? I travel four out of 5 days a week.

I would look for a water purifier (PUR) that you can connect to your faucet.

-Contents of a swap bag:  

My SWAP bag consists of one medium carrot, one stalk of celery, two radishes, six small tomatoes, ½ red apple (gala), slices of cauliflower, and a few red bell pepper slices.

What do you think about these shakes and so called supplement companies like Beach bodies shakeology, 360shake, thrive. Melaleuca. Etc. How do we know what’s best when choosing things like this.

It’s essential to look at the ingredients, because you do not want to eat anything with sugar alcohols. I would encourage you to eat real food, especially vegetables.

-What do u use so u don’t have gray hair?  

Sometimes it is a mineral need and sometimes it’s a low thyroid. You might consider a hair analysis. It was recently noted that only 10% of Americans eat produce. I would consider either a mineral hair analysis or having your thyroid checked. I would also encourage you to eat Celtic Sea Salt.

-Does this work after there’s been damage done to the cervical spine? (#1Thing Posture Exercises)

Yes, go slow.

-Hey Dr Bob- I have oral lichen planus and geographic tongue. Any suggestions?

We have had great success using Agrisept-L with those who have this condition. I would also work on lowering your stress levels if at all possible.

-My 19 year old daughter suffers from excruciating, debilitating pain both when ovulating and on the 1st day or so of her period. Every Dr we have seen wants to put her on birth control pills. Is there a healthier, natural option? She is desperate for a solution!! We would be so grateful for your advice.

I would suggest purchasing my “Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones” and reading about ovaries. I have found it is typically a need for iodine and the best approach would be a urine-iodine loading test to determine the levels of iodine and to seek a skilled chiropractor. I recently had a practice member tell me how much their menses improved with the correct structural approach.

-Can I lower my cholesterol by eating beets and apples even on medicine?

-Do you have any ideas on how to help support someone who is dealing with pulmonary fibrosis? Thanks.

Support your adrenals, no sugar, and stop smoking. (Cat’s Claw)

-What if you eat the waffle with almond butter & ground flax seed on it?

It’s important to minimize ALL grains, regardless if it is a waffle or a pancake.

-Do u have any advice on how to stop the pain from interstitial cystitis?

Make sure you are drinking enough water and check for parasites (Agrisept-L, also Hydro-Zyme)

-Told my thyroid is fine by both GP and functional doctor, don’t eat fruit and only eat real food. Have headaches every day abd migraines 3 times a week.  

I would recommend coming to see us in Westlake, Ohio.

-Hi! I was wondering if you have any ideas of how to treat fibromyalgia and migraines? My husband is a massage therapist and it hurts too bad to get massages so that option is limited. I’m active, in college and try to stretch throughout the day but what else can you suggest? I’m taking percaset and another medication for the fibromyalgia/migraines.  Just if you can think of what I can do I would really appreciate your help!

My suggestion would be no sugar, no fruit, no dairy.