#AskDrBob-October 23rd

#AskDrBob-October 23rd, 2015

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.


– Dear Dr Bob….I am in New Zealand and love your fb page. My mother is 76 and has been ‘told’ by her doctor that she must have an Aclasta infusion to ‘cure’ her osteoporosis ! I am horrified with this as it has given my mum false hope and I read up on the dangerous side effects and unintentionally made my mum cry.I have asked her to research Aclasta and have talked to her about canceling this infusion. I don’t want my mum to be ‘brow beaten’ and made to feel guilty about this and need advice on what to say to her doctor.Can you help please ? p.s I have advised my mum about Vit D and a magnesium supplement as well as dietary recommendations to help her.

In my experience, one of the leading causes of osteoporosis is stress and sugar. Sugar takes minerals out of your bones, I would want to know if your mother is taking medications that interfere with digestion. I would recommend checking her vitamin D level and thyroid.

– Hi Dr Bob…I am a 24 year old female and I was wondering what could be the cause of vaginal swelling after sex I’ve been to my OB/GYN twice I don’t have an infection or any other symptoms.

You may be what is called “estrogen dominant” where you body has an excess of estrogen. You may have an enlarged liver (processes estrogen). You may consider a saliva test to determine your estrogen numbers. (More info in video).

– Ice bath for pain. Or would ‘ICE BATH’ be just as good/no side effects & much less costly.

One of the biggest causes of pain would be sugar, fruit, and dairy. Ice will externally deal with the cause, but not get to the “root” of the problem. You may consider a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile and avoid sugar and dairy.

– After a fearful/worry event in March, my body/ health is the worst! Feeling anxious, fatigue, bad neck pain, numbness in right side of head face neck area, headache (tight feeling), weight-loss, blurry visions, nausea, crying, dizzy from laying to standing! Feel I’m going crazy! What do you think Dr Bob?

That is all stress. The “tight” feeling around your head is a need for B vitamins. You may consider a hair analysis to see what is going on inside of your body and your blood pressure taken from sit to stand. If your blood pressure drops from sit to stand, you need B vitamins.

– What do you recommend for my girlfriend who wants to heal herself naturally from breast cancer….do you run special tests in your office.

I would suggest a urine-estrogen test, I would also do a urine-iodine loading test and a vitamin D test.

– I’m 64.  I wish someone would have told me that when I was 13.  I still break out.  The oil is horrible.

If you are taking an oil supplement and you have digestive distress, it is always your liver.