#AskDrBob-April 22


#AskDrBob-April 22nd, 2016

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.

What can i do to stop smoking?  

We have found most individuals who crave cigarettes may also need B vitamins and minerals. Nightshade vegetables are also a source of nicotine.

Dr. Bob, chronic pancreatitis, headache, and sinusitis. We try to eat healthy, but I think I miss something.   

I would say, from the body signals you listed, you might have parasites.

What type/brand of sunscreen would you recommend?  

I would use a product that does not have ingredients located on the American Cancer Society’s hazardous ingredient list.

Why do I always have a bowel movement after I eat eggs?

You might have some type of sensitivity to either the sulfur, or protein in the eggs. We are using a test now to see which foods someone may have a challenge with called The Fit Test. Contact us.

Dr. Bob, I’m 58 and in good health. But, my prostate is some enlarged and my Dr says it’s normal with my age and not to worry. Well what can I do to take some of the swelling down? I only get up at night 1 sometimes 2 times to use restroom. People say take saw palmetto but I’ve heard it really doesn’t help. Any  advice? Thank you!!

I use a product called Argizyme and I also take iodine.

I love onions, but my hubby is allergic- he vomits uncontrollably after eating. Could this be a food reaction we can overcome? All these hurt my stomach.   

Onions happen to be one of the foods that can irritate a congested liver. Join me next Wednesday PM for our monthly Periscope on Food Sensitivities.

What is the best food to eat for thinning hair?  

Iodine-based foods and avoiding sugar and omega-6 fats.

I am a young man and I have mild seborrhea dermatitis on my face, I have had it since my early teens and no matter how clean, organic and sugar free I keep my diet I can’t seem to shake it off. I believe this is also causing blepharitis as my eyelids are often red and a bit sore (particularly in one eye).

Try blackcurrant seed oil and maybe a castor oil pack once or twice a week.

Can a person use herbs for the stomach if they are on chemo for myeloma? Chemo causes major problems with diarrhea. Thanks for your help.

Chlorella is a product we use for the side effects of chemo.

I am a painter & believe I am developing rheumatoid arthritis, how do I address this holistically? Thank you so much!

Your liver is important for all joint health. We use a product to support your liver called MCS2. You may also consider a chem profile (contact) and avoid gluten products.

Just watched the video on “Beets” and cholesterol. What specific vegetables / fruits are beets? The only things I can think of are beetroot and sugar beet. Please explain.  

Beets are a root vegetable located in the produce section of your grocery store.

Also, the Doc mentioned plums. Do plums count? Does the daily 15grams relate to plums?

I actually only eat ½ an apple (red) daily. I added plums after researching the fruits that place the lowest demand on your adrenals.

How can you lower high blood pressure and get off medication?  

We use magnesium.

I have been diagnosed as having cataracts in both eyes and in need of surgery, one eye at a time. I wouldn’t have known it had I not been checked for it, even by a specialist. Question: can it be reversed or improved by the food I eat; and if so, what foods?

We have found a calcium-phosphorous imbalance to be the case. At our practice we use an oximeter to determine saturated oxygen. If the number is less than 95, we support with a product with phosphorous. We also look at the Ca/Phos ratio on your serum blood tests.