#OptimalU-Week 11 Recap

Hi Everyone!

This week we continued our focus with exercise, and also included videos about protein and more. Click here to RSVP for our March Live Event on March 26th, and stick around for a prize giveaway at the end. Also, click here if you would like a free preview of my “Optimal Guide to Health”, thanks for reading and watching!

Dr. Bob

Day 1: Daily doorjamb push-ups relieve mid-back pain and prevent “round-back”.


Day 2: Schedule a pedicure periodically to maintain foot wellness (those are my feet).


Day 3: If you have hand, arm, and wrist pain can diminish with this maneuver. You can do this with an exercise ball or “fluffy” paint roller in the back of your neck for additional support.


Day 4, 5: Off

Day 6: Increase protein, which will stop the craving for carbohydrates and reduce blood pressure.


Day 7: Aerobically exercise daily for a minimum of thirty minutes-walking or light training.
