#OptimalU-Week 24 Recap

Hi Everyone!

This past week our family celebrated Father’s Day by spending it on Kelley’s Island, one of our family traditions for many, many years. My #OptimalU’s this past week focused on sweeteners (No Splenda, ever!), garlic, and more. In a few weeks, we will be having our June live event with our product sponsor, Selina Naturally, home of the Celtic Sea Salt brand, I hope you will be able to join!

Day 1: Garlic has been found to stimulate protection against tumor cells, and can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. For today’s #OptimalU on page 139 try this and let me know how you enjoyed: Roast cloves of garlic in a covered dish in 1/4 inch of water for one hour at 400 degrees. Add to a salad or a side and store in an air tight container.


Day 2: Do you remember (I hope) a few weeks ago, I had an #OptimalU about juicing? Today’s takeaway corresponds with it, and is found on page 219: Find a sunny location for a garden (space permitting). Obtain quality soil and add compost throughout the year. Put the residue from juicing into your compost.


Day 3: Do you love sweets? Our second focus this month is on desserts, and honey is a wiser choice than white sugar, although too much will still cause left neck pain. If you regularly consume honey, my #OptimalU on page 182 suggests: Plan to take a drive in your area to find a local source of honey from a beekeeper. (Local farmer’s markets are also a good source)


Day 4, 5: Off

Day 6: Do you use a sugar “substitute”? I would rather have you consume real sugar than a fake variety. My #OptimalU for today is on page 194: Splenda is chlorinated sucrose derivatives. It enlarges your liver and kidneys and shrinks your thymus. Instead, plant stevia in your garden.


Day 7: No matter how ‘healthy’ we may be, our bodies are always in a constant state of breakdown and repair. However we can choose foods that promote cellular health and protection, like my #OptimalU on page 66 suggests: Always consider fresh produce in your daily schedule of food choices. Blueberries and spinach are at the top of the list.
