Tips for Osteoporosis


Your bone tissue is comprised of a variety of components including protein and minerals. When there’s a cannibalization of minerals, it results in the reduction of minerals found in your bones resulting in osteoporosis.

Bones are the storehouse for minerals in your body and are easily depleted with stress, soda and sugar consumption, hormone deficiencies and inactivity. The body works by a variety of systems, one of which is a negative feedback system. When stress is applied to your body, it will respond by moving tissues to protect the stress.

I would like for your now to take a moment and look at your hands. If you wear a wedding ring you will notice a callus below the ring on the palm of your hand, especially if you use your hands for your occupation like I do. The callus is a protective mechanism the body uses to help the skin tissue. When you exercise, it activates a process in your body called the piezoelectric effect. If you have osteoporosis, you might consider exercising with free weights, machines, or elastic bands. The stress placed on the joints encourages your body to deposit calcium. This is important for long-term osteoporosis care and prevention. Calcium consumption in the form of green vegetables like kale, romaine lettuce, green beans, and almonds and sesame seeds is needed to provide the body with calcium to be used for restoration.

Sugar is an issue because it requires minerals to be neutralized and also increased cortisol, which “burns” through minerals. There is a type of medication called “acid soppers” commonly prescribed for digestive distress, which prevents the absorption of minerals.

If you are a female reading this, I would suggest having your estrogen levels assessed through a saliva test. Estrogen deficiencies may be a factor for some since adequate adrenal function is required for hormonal balance in menopausal women. Soda also can be a major factor for many because of the phosphoric acid, which depletes calcium in the body. A recent product which is being pushed by network marketers to prevent cancer is alkaline water, but I have noticed individuals who drink this type of water have calcium absorption problems and one of the reasons we assess oxygenation with an oximeter.

If your oxygen level is less than 95 with an oximeter assessment, you may consider a digestive enzyme and avoid alkaline water. Osteoporosis is more than taking a calcium pill which is not always absorbed, or a medication which tricks the body to stop absorbing used calcium, which is promoted in magazines and TV.

Lastly, I have noticed most women who are assess with a bone density meter are told they have osteopenia (early stage osteoporosis) or frank osteoporosis-this is a test based on a base line of women who are in their thirties. If you have questions on your spinal or joint structure (more common in females) you may want to have a digital X-ray of your spine (a common finding is “pencil thin” cortex. Serum calcium levels are not going to give you a true measure of calcium, but if your legs cramp at night and/or have itchy skin after running two miles, are also body signals your body needs calcium.