
About Us

Dr. Robert DeMaria
Dr. Bob DeMaria is an experienced healthcare provider with over forty years experience helping individuals from all over the world without ever prescribing a single medication. His educational background includes a degree in Human Biology, specialties in Spinal Engineering and Natural Orthopedic Treatments, valedictorian of his chiropractic class at National University of Health Sciences, and an NHD degree.
He is the founder of The Drugless Doctors, a chiropractic and nutrition-based practice, with locations in Cleveland, Ohio and Naples, Florida. His extensive research and clinical observations have been the foundation for his ten books, including the new, “Dr. Bob’s Guide to a Healthy Marriage,” which he co-wrote with his wife, Debbie, and his YouVersion devotionals, which have been viewed from people all over the world.
An avid fan of life after 5pm, Dr. Bob enjoys riding his bicycle, playing bocce, and celebrating any occasion with his family.

Debbie DeMaria
We could all use some encouragement from Debbie DeMaria. The backbone of The Drugless Doctor brands, she helps raise up leaders, takes time for a friend, and listens to those who have something to say. Her successes in the marketplace and at home are often well-received when she shares her secrets at conferences all over the world. Looking to stay in touch? You can find her on Twitter, @DebbieDeMaria.