#AskDrBob: Collagen

#AskDrBob – May 25, 2018

Hi Everyone!

These were the questions asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have any general health questions, please email us, askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode. Thank you!

Do you know of any remedies or aids for vitiligo patients? Mine developed from hypothyroidism/ Graves Disease which is under control now, but I keep have big vitiligo spots all over my body.

I have noticed through urine testing (contact), one with low tyrosine tend to have pigment issues.

I have a couple of questions I kindly would like to ask. When eating the beet in the beet juice is that considered eating the beet root?

I would only eat the fiber since it does not affect your blood sugar.

Is there any issue of getting too much iron every day drinking this juice if you are over 60 years of age?

It will impact your blood sugar.

Regarding the drink of lemon juice with water in the morning– is there a limit to how many days to follow. Does the increase in acid /citrus create a cancer vulnerability? Thank you.

I would prefer that the lemon juice come from the actual lemon (pulp). Lemon in warm water stimulates digestive movement. I would not drink concentrated lemon juice.

What do you take for the Parathyroid that is not functioning well? Too high calcium in the blood.   heard you say it in the video but don’t understand? Where do I buy it? Thank you for your time.

I have noticed those with parathyroid issues often have low vitamin D levels, which causes the parathyroid to become active. I would suggest the vitamin D test. (More info in video)

Dr. Bob, you promote flaxseed oil – is it better than omega-3 fish oil?

I have discovered through learning from various sources. Plant-based oils are a better way to improve hormone function.

Thoughts on Collagen? And B-complex? And them together?

I use a protein product daily and a B vitamin. I take them in the general time period but not intentionally.

Do u recommend Histoplex AB for hay fever?

It does help, but the best way to handle allergies is no sugar, gluten, dairy, and peanut butter.

To schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Bob, please go here.