
The colon is the more significant half of the bowels where water is removed from solid waste.
The colon is part of the excretory system which is responsible for eliminating waste from the body; it is comprised of the colon, kidneys, lungs, skin, and liver. The organs work in tandem to remove waste via the air breathed out as carbon dioxide; the kidneys excrete urine via the bladder, and the colon discharges fecal material that is also processed by bacteria. The liver is an essential organ for filtering and processing unwanted and unnecessary toxins.
Drugless Colon Protocol
-Begin a detailed journal of what you eat. Often a diet filled with grains, dairy, and peanut butter are common foods that create an alarm in the colon.
-If you have constipation, this is a body signal that you are not drinking enough water, or eating plant-based fiber. Subpar thyroid function results in a slow-moving colon and consequently, constipation. Add green foods with every meal, including kale, broccoli, and spinach.
-If vegetables tend to bother you, it is because your pH (acid/alkaline) balance tends to be acidic. Alkaline foods force your body to dump toxins, which may cause you to feel uncomfortable. Therefore, start with vegetables that are steamed, sauteed, or stir-fried in olive or rice oils.
-Consider a blood test called a “CBC with a differential.” Look at your results for eosinophils (EOS), which increase with people who have parasites. If your EOS is elevated, I suggest Agrisept-L, at ten drops a day.
What is Your pH Number?A Dr. Bob “Approved” Colon
Get to Know: Cleansing
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No More Constipation
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Migraine & Constipation Relief!
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Food Allergy Stressor Exam
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We’re Here to Help: Colon Nutrition & Resources for You
Wellness Consultation
Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Detoxification
Thyroid Serum Panel
Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones