
The heart is an organized muscle that pumps blood through the vessels of the circulatory system. Optimal function of blood flow is critically essential for everyday health.
The circulatory system is comprised of miles of tubes directing blood from the heart to the lungs for an oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, then travels to the outer aspects of your fingers and toes. It is also responsible for the transport of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fats to all the cell structures in your body.
Drugless Heart Protocol
-Manage your weight. Men should have a waist under forty inches, and women under thirty-five inches.
-Do a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile to evaluate your levels of essential fats. Your goal is optimal EFA levels with standard EPA, and low trans fat and arachidonic acid, which suggest inflammation.
-Have an Acoustic CardioGraph (ACG) to get a snapshot of your nutritional health, which impacts your heart. This is available at The Drugless Doctors.
-Take a digital radiograph of the spine, revealing your liver size and spinal position at the c7 to T4 vertebrae.
-Have serum homocysteine and C-reactive protein assessments. These are measures of inflammation.
-Get a ferritin test to evaluate your potential inflammation from elevated iron. Do a CBC with a differential to assess your hemoglobin levels, for the same reason.
Why Your Waist Size Affects Heart HealthA #NoMeds Heart with The Drugless Doctor
A Dr. Bob “Approved” Heart
Get to Know- Heart
In our experience, the number one cause of heart disease is _______. Find out how to keep your heart healthy with drugless principles
Acoustic CardioGraph & Your Heart
Dr. Bob shares a brief example of what the results for an ACG might indicate and how we can supplement accordingly.
Vitamin D & Your Heart
Dr. Bob shares the importance of adequate vitamin D exposure and consumption for your heart.
No More Blood Pressure Medication
One of our practice members shares how he no longer needs to be on blood pressure medication with the help of chiropractic and other drugless techniques.
No More Heart Palpitations
One of our practice members shares how her heart palpitations have stopped since she has started chiropractic care.
At a certain time in my life, I was desperately seeking a solution to an atrial fibrillation that would often come and go. I had been scheduled for, and followed through with, a full heart ablation within weeks of meeting The Drugless Doctors. My wife asked me to try Dr. Bob, so we signed up for the initial assessment. Once I heard how Dr. Bob and his practice worked, it made sense: fix the problem where it starts, not mask it with drugs or surgeries. Dr. Bob and his team have helped me find holistic solutions to numerous issues, including palpitations, sinus issues, fatigue, inactive thyroid, posture, backaches, and susceptibility to colds. If I had only known Dr. Bob prior to my surgery! My wife and I now both have very healthy lives. We have a whole different way of eating. This is a gradual transition for us, and it gets better and better every day. -James S.
We’re Here to Help: Heart Nutrition & Resources for You
Dr. Bob’s Men’s Health-The Basics