
The liver is located in the lower portion of the right rib cage region and is responsible for hundreds of functions, including being the primary detoxifying organ and storing vitamins, blood, and proteins. It is an essential factor for optimal health for your immune, digestive, and excretory system.
Your liver has many functions in various systems in the body, but this section will focus on digestion. Digestion begins in the mouth and is complete at the large intestine. The food you eat is processed throughout that passage; each portion of the pathway has specific functions to assist the body in the absorption of nutrients. Poor digestion can result in the impairment of the entire system, including allergies, bad breath, skin lesions, and liver distress.
Drugless Liver Protocol
-Avoid processed foods that stress the liver. Instead, eat organic, fresh, lightly steamed, raw or sauteed whole foods. This one step alone will assist in your whole-body detoxification.
-Avoid items that may create an extra burden on liver function: medications, alcohol, soft drinks and artificial sweeteners or preservatives.
-Read barcodes on everything you buy for consumption! This may sound extreme, but important information can be found there. The most straightforward marker is to look at the numbers under the barcode. Regardless of what country the food comes from, a code number starting with eight means the product is from a genetically modified source; 9 means organic; all other numbers are considered standard or conventional – which means anything can be on them and they are not organic.
-Eat Dr. Bob’s ABCs daily: half a red apple, one-third cup of beets, and one medium carrot.
-Avoid constipation that leads to liver distress by drinking more water and eating whole foods.
The Liver FlushCastor Oil: A Purification Oil
Liver Health & Sleep
Is your body and sleep affected by caffeine? Did you know that could be a body signal your liver needs help? Find out what you can do to help in this video.
Livotrit & Skin Health
Your liver should be the number one organ you take care of if you have skin challenges, and Livotrit from Biotics Research can help.
Your Liver & Skin
In this video, Dr. Bob shares the importance of taking care of your liver in regards to skin and nail health
We’re Here to Help: Liver Nutrition & Resources for You
Wellness Consultation
Castor Oil & Wool Flannel
Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Detoxification
Dr. Bob’s Men’s Health-The Basics
Dr. Bob’s Guide to a Healthy Marriage