
Your thyroid gland is located in the mid-throat area. Considered the “thermostat” of the body, the thyroid is essential for optimal cellular function, body temperature control, mental stability, colon function, cholesterol levels, and hair integrity.
The endocrine system is the chemical communicating method in your body that regulates male and female hormones, digestion, and blood sugar stress. It is responsible for reproduction, energy, and nearly all chemical connections.
Drugless Thyroid Protocol
-Complete serum TSH, T3, T4, and anti-TPO tests; have an experienced healthcare provider create a strategy for nutritional supplementation based on the results of these and other tests.
-Have an Omega Oils Serum Profile to reveal any oil deficiencies that can impair thyroid function.
-Have a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis to uncover mineral deficiencies that can impact the thyroid, such as low selenium and manganese and an altered calcium-to-magnesium ratio.
-Have a Urine-Iodine Loading Test to suggest whether your body is lacking iodine, a cofactor in thyroid hormone production.
-Take the Organix urine test to find out if you need L-Tyrosine, a cofactor in thyroid hormone production.
-Take your axillary (armpit) temperature three days in a row, first thing in the morning; the ideal basal armpit temperature is 97.8 Fahrenheit.
-Avoid foods and beverages that contain the halogens bromine, fluorine, and chlorine.
How Your Thyroid’s Health Affects Your HairA #NoMeds Thyroid with The Drugless Doctor
A #NoMeds Testimonial: Thyroid Helped!
One of practice members has been off medication for eight years and doesn’t plan on going back!
Thyroid Review with Dr. Bob
Dr. Bob goes into body signals of a subpar thyroid, an in-depth look at a TSH, T3, T4 exam, and more.
When I came to see The Drugless Doctors, I had just left the hospital from having antibiotic poisoning because I had walking pneumonia for three months, and could not shake it. I felt really bad for those months, no energy, and “achy.” For many years, I always got sinusitis that quickly turned into walking pneumonia.
On my first visit to The Drugless Doctors, I learned that I was dehydrated and that the “lots of water” you are told to drink equals one-half of your body weight in ounces. That was my first of many “aha” moments. Upon doing blood analysis, we learned my thyroid was not functioning properly, and I needed vitamin B6 as well as more greens and protein. Also, to give up yogurt (which I thought was good for me), all dairy, wheat, and peanut butter, because these things compromise the respiratory function.
Through the coaching of wellness and chiropractic adjustments from The Drugless Doctors, I am pleased to say upon this writing that I am in my second winter without respiratory problems! Over the course of my visits, I have lost fourteen pounds, my cholesterol is normal, and my blood pressure is good – and I feel great! Thank you, The Drugless Doctor Team! – Sharon W.S
We’re Here to Help: Thyroid Nutrition & Resources for You
Dr. Bob’s Drugless Guide to Balancing Female Hormones
Dr. Bob’s Guide to Prevent Surgery
Thyroid Panel
Hair Analysis