#AskDrBob-August 15th

Ask Dr. Bob August 15. 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


1.  I have toenail fungus and I saw your video on taking emulsified oregano. So I ordered it but I didn’t realize I couldn’t take it while nursing. Is it absolutely necessary I should not take it. I just really want this fungus gone. Is there something I can do? Thanks.

I would eat eggs, onion, and garlic. You do not want to alter the flora in your gut.

2.  What do you recommend to treat Graves’ hyperthyroid?

I would eat NO processed food, at all. I had one practice member get Graves’ from eating Twinkies.

3. Why would high potassium, salt, & proteins cause kidney problems & what can be done to correct?

Your kidney’s are detoxifying

4. Dr. Bob I have internal bleeding and I am getting no where with the specialist. I have had one test after the next. I suspect it is from hep c which I contacted 30 years ago via blood given to me at the hospital. My other question is low albumin. Eating protein does not increase albutin levels. What will?

Yes, it could be your liver. We use a product called Argizyme to help assist.

5. How much does it cost for the TSH, T3, T4, & a TPO tests? Are they covered by insurance?

A TSH exam is $249, and it is currently not covered by insurance.

6. What can be done to get rid of MRSA?

We use a product called Agrisept, which is citrus-seed extract.

7. What foods contain iodine?

Certain types of seafood, and Celtic Sea Salt.

8. Do I have to do a total detox? I am on 2 HBP meds and Thyroid med for goiter. I have an enlarged heart and a hernia in the stomach. So gas pushes on my heart and causes my BP to go up. I have so much trouble with gas that I can’t hardly eat all the good foods that are gassy. I do have a fatty liver. I think it’s because when I was a very little girl, my Mom stood me on a stool when they butchered the hogs and had me to stir the fat to make lard, and all the fat steam made me so sick. I had a hard time with fumes and eating greasy foods after that. They wanted to take out my gallbladder because of so many stones, but God blessed me and when I went on the prep for the colonoscopy, all the gallstones were floating on the top of the water. Now, if I have a pain in the gallbladder, I take some soy lecithin which helps a lot. I know you said not too much soy because it washes out the zinc. I am borderline diabetic and than my kidneys were not going good. I’ve been flushing them with vit c and it works great. My legs are feeling a lot better. I was in a car wreck about 25 yrs. ago and had 3 pinched nerves and a broken vertebrae and bad sciatic. It is really hard for me to exercise. I get an excruciating pain that feels like something is going to explode, like it felt when my vertebrae broke.

Here are a few suggestions/comments/recommendations:

Gas- If there is an immediate need for digestive enzymes 2 or 3 hours later, it is your gallbladder. Remove gluten and dairy from your diet for optimal results. Also, sugar will cause pain, and I would avoid fruit at all costs (except my ½ red apple per day).

9. What amount is best to get enough calcium?

243 mg of calcium in one cup of almonds or one cup, has 378 mg of calcium. Everyone has their opinion on how much you need (I have read between 1200-1500mg per day), it does depend on your stress level.

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