#AskDrBob: December 11th

#AskDrBob-December 11th, 2015

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Please click the blue box to view Dr. Bob’s answers. If you have general health questions, please email us at askdrbob@druglessdoctor.com, and we will present it in an upcoming episode.


My Dad is 84 and has severe congestive heart failure. His doctors are at the point where they have no more drugs to offer him. He has been in and out of the hospital about every 2-4 months for the past several years. He will retain fluids, feel terrible, Mom takes him to the ER, they admit him, load him up with drugs (especially lasix) to get the excess fluids out and send him home. But now his heart is so weak that the lasix are no longer working. His hands are shaking due to, I believe they said, a high creatinine level.  

I am not sure where you are located, but we use an ACG (Acoustic CardoGraph) at our practice to help measure heart beats and what the heart is “communicating” to us. I would recommend seeking out a skilled chiropractor, or coming to visit us in Cleveland to help your dad. (More info in video).

What can I take for nasal congestion during pregnancy and how many times a day can I do the neti pot? It only clears me up for about 30 mins and I still can’t breathe. The directions say once or twice a day or ask your Dr. my ob says I can take Sudafed and claritin but I don’t want to take the drugs. I went to the dentist yesterday and even the hygienist said her doctor told her Sudafed was okay because it doesn’t cross the placenta? Is that true? I thought I put in my body would cross the placenta. I’ve been taking Cold Calm -a homeopathic medicine I bought from Sprouts farmers market but it isn’t strong enough. it isn’t clearing up the congestion. Do you have any suggestions on what natural medicine or remedies for me to try? Thanks.

From my experience, nasal congestion is always from a food you are consuming (dairy, gluten, peanut butter). More info in video.

Is it okay for the dentist to X-ray my teeth during pregnancy? I declined X-ray but then I remembered during my last pregnancy with my baby being breached my ob X-rayed my belly to see baby’s position to do a version but decided not to turn the baby and he delivered my breech baby vaginally! praise the Lord! he’s the only doctor in tx that I know of that delivers breeches and twins! it was a vbac also. my last baby was breech.

We use a lead apron at our practice, which I would suggest (full body). Also, with a breech baby, find a chiropractor who is proficient in the Webster technique.

Know there must be specific things to ‘build up immunity’?

Adequate sleep each night is important (8 hours) and avoiding sugar. We also use Rapid Immune Response if you would like a nutritional supplement.

If u take liquid iodine will u lose weight?

Not necessarily. It may support thyroid function. Watch the amount of calories you consume regardless.

What causes Diverticulitis all of a sudden at an older age? I never got diagnosed 10 years ago when I had a colonoscopy but I did have an intense surgery 5 years ago ovaries removal and was told I have a tilted uterus. I am in my late 50’s thanks.

I primarily look at dairy and gluten as triggers. More info in video.

What do I do if my 3-year-old daughter gets croup?

I would stop ALL sugar, dairy, and gluten, and seek a skilled chiropractor.

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