#AskDrBob-December 12th

#AskDrBob December 12, 2014

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


Thank you for the reply to drinking water with meals. Why is limiting mealtime water so important for blood- type-A people?

From my clinical experience, blood type-A can have more digestive distress than blood type-O. If you have blood type-A, it is wise to conserve digestive enzymes while eating.

What supplements would you recommend for an 82 year old, who has eczema, eats a lot of sweets, and is taking naps. He has a Defibrillator, and pacemaker, on no blood thinners, just aspirin, arginine, taurine, and his legs swell.

It’s important that they clean out their liver. You can do this with Blackcurrant seed oil and drinking water from a pure source.

I would like some information on how to reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

Arthritis is a liver issue (more info from our #DruglessDetox here and here). I recommend Blackcurrant seed oil, and removing sugar, dairy, and gluten from your diet. I recently had a practice member stop eating gluten and their pain and inflammation went away.

What must i do when i inhale smoke of burning tires?

I would wear a mask. Also, you might consider cat’s claw and chlorella.

I was diagnosed with a severe case of carpal tunnel several years ago. Now I am experiencing neck pain, thought it was from a car wreck? But my thumb joints have been hurting along with my ankles, could it be a deficiency??

The trauma from the accident can be causing the decay in your lower neck. I would advise to go to a skilled chiropractor and have a blood test for your liver (AST, ALT, SGPT). If the liver enzymes are low, you need vitamin B6, which is a cofactor to take away the inflammation. (The thumb pain is coming from the lower part of your neck). Come see us in Westlake or Elyria, OH.

Dr Bob says not to use olive oil in some of his pods but i see his recipes have olive oil for dressings and sauté?  I only found his site yesterday so had not heard him speak before.

I cook primarily with olive oil, which sometimes maxes out at 325 degrees while cooking. Do not have your oil come to a smoke, no matter which oil it is, and never heat flax oil.

Looking also for supplement to aid in reduction of leg swelling.

Make sure your heart and kidneys are functioning optimally first. There is a product called Carbamide Plus, which reduces swelling, as does vitamin B6. Lastly, drink more water.


  1. To keep or rebuild bones from there density loss as we age.. you said take Vitamin B.. But which one would be the best for me as a women..

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