#AskDrBob-January 10th

Ask Dr. Bob December 27, 2013

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.

1. I would like to try Agrisept-L but have liver problems and do not want want to compromise any function.

Personally, I take ten drops per day. The only time I’ve seen liver challenges with Agrisept, is when there might be too many parasites. (More info on kupffer cells). Body signals of parasites are grinding your teeth at night.

2. How does radon affect the body?

If you are exposed, please consider purchasing a radon detector.

Notes About Radon (From Wikipedia): radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, occurring naturally as the decay product of radium. It is one of the densest substances that remains a gas under normal conditions and is considered to be a health hazard due to its radioactivity. Its most stable isotope, 222Rn, has a half-life of 3.8 days. Due to its high radioactivity, it has been less well-studied by chemists, but a few compounds are known.

Radon is formed as part of the normal radioactive decay chain of uranium. Uranium has been present since the earth was formed and its most common isotope has a very long half-life (4.5 billion years), which is the amount of time required for one-half of uranium to break down. Uranium, radium, and thus radon, will continue to occur for millions of years at about the same concentrations as they do now.[1]

Radon is responsible for the majority of the mean public exposure to ionizing radiation. It is often the single largest contributor to an individual’s background radiation dose, and is the most variable from location to location. Radon gas from natural sources can accumulate in buildings, especially in confined areas such as attics, and basements. It can also be found in some spring waters and hot springs.[2]

3. I’m due for another analysis the first one said that i had problems with my thyroid and hormones I use to take a lot of statin drugs, and now I take vitamins & minerals. I detox 2 times a week and use an infrared sauna, but my skin is dry and I have like a little thick under my chin. The lady told me that I had a malabsorption that my body was not taking in the nutrients, and I’m overweight, I lost about 60 pounds but I’ve gained some back. I want to lose it plus more want to get to 140 pounds and I’m 5 feet 2 inches i have too much progesterone and not enough estrogen she says that I need the bioidentical hormone.

In my experience, too much progesterone comes from applying a progesterone cream. I suggest blood pressure from a sit to a stand (more info in vid). I also suggest an Adrenal Stress Test for the exact hormone situation in your body.

4. My sister has noticed that after eating cashews she has an orange oil that comes out with her BM. Is that a body signal for something? Should she avoid cashews?

The body signal can be from a plugged-up liver from stress/diet. I would limit cashew intake.

5. What causes swollen knees in adult women with pain & what may be lacking in her body?

First, it can be inflammation (too much gluten (wheat products), sugar, and cut back on dairy. I encourage you to squeeze your wrist (in video). Try adding flax or marine oil to help with inflammation, and/or a Bloodspot Fatty Acid Profile exam.


  1. Is it TRUE that ‘FEAST & FAMINE PRINCIPAL’ effects your ‘metabolism’ & ‘REstarts’ it Each time U ‘DIET DRASTICALLLY’ & causes U to use LESS calories than b4?

  2. Is it TRUE U can destroy bad YEAST uf U ‘DOUSHE &/OR use TAMPON saturated/PLAIN UNSWEETENED YOUGART’?

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