#AskDrBob-January 30th

#AskDrBob-January 30th

These were the questions that were asked in this episode of #AskDrBob. Click the blue box to watch the video. Thank you for sending us your general health questions. We hope they make a difference in your life.


From Celtic Sea Salt:

Can oil pulling help?

Oil pulling is when you swish oil (preferably coconut or oil) in your mouth for a minimum of five minutes. There’s a possibility that during the ‘swishing’ bacteria and other toxins are released. Do not swallow the oil when you are finished, rather throw it in your trash. Also, Agrisept is another and timelier alternative.

Could you please explain how the thyroid could cause wide-space teeth? Thanks.

I cannot give you exact physiology, but during my studies, I have found a doctor who studied 70,000 autopsies and he noticed those with subpar thyroid had body signals including wide-spaced teeth, primarily the top center. Please note, that if you do have wide-spaced teeth, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a low thyroid. More info below:

“Not infrequently, a child’s jaw or teeth are unable to develop normally. The crowding together of teeth has been associated by anthropologists with the modernization of civilization. You’ll also see the opposite, large gaps between the teeth in a few people. Both are associated with hypothyroidism. Irritated gums, enlarged gums, gums projecting between the teeth, multiple cavities, and delayed dental development are red flags. Occasionally, problems with delayed dental development or cavities may be the first sign of hypothyroidism in an otherwise healthy child. The teeth and jaw begin normal development after desiccated thyroid is administered.  Dr. Barnes was the first doctor to back up his report with hard evidence consisting of 70,000 autopsy studies and long-term patient outcome studies.   http://www.tuberose.com/HypothyroidSymptoms.html

How often do I need to test my adrenals? What is the remedy for low adrenals? Thank you.

It does depend on your lifestyle. If you are stressed, get dizzy from a sit to a stand, and crave salty foods, I would recommend having testing your blood pressure every 2 to 3 weeks (your BP should rise when taken from a sit to a stand). Some of the testing that we do at our practice, includes an Adrenal Stress Index, which can be done every 3-6 months. We have seen blood pressure improvements within three to four weeks. My other recommendations include adding pantothenic acid, and staying completely away from sugar.

What can you do naturally to help essential tremor get better?

At this time, I don’t know if I can give you a logical answer, because I do not know your personal condition. I would recommend taking minerals. The tremors can be a side effect of medication and/or might indicate you have parasites.

I have been taking Livotrit plus for my estrogen & liver & I notice it causes me have lower back pain, so I stop taking it & the pain went away. Why do you think it would cause me pain & should I continue to taking it.

I have seen individuals with a larger liver, can aggravate your pelvis, which might cause pain. I have also seen changing herbs (milk thistle to dandelion root) work as well.

How are the liver and detoxing your body related?

The liver is your body’s primary “oil filter” and everything must be cleared and cleaned through it. I would recommend staying away from sugar, being aware of medication side effects that might compromise your liver, and to eat Dr. Bob’s ABCs (½ red apple, ⅓ cup beet fiber, and 1 medium carrot) daily.


  1. Hello Dr.Bob..I’ve been dealing with weird sensations in the top of
    my head..crawling feelings,pressure,and now trickle feeling like
    water or something is coming down my throat..also feelings of wet spot
    sitting on my head..one day I woke up with a indentation in my skull but it
    went away a day or 2 later..can u help?? I’ve had and cats can that showed everything
    was good but it was almost two years ago..

  2. I have been diagnosed with her2 positive breast cancer .the treatment my Dr wants me to have is herceptin along with Fed and something else .these toxins will possibly hurt my heart. Any alternate ideas. Thanks and God bless.Eb

  3. What is your opinion about causes of, and the removing of, lipomas? I read up on them, and apparently they continue to grow unless removed, and are generally harmless unless they grow somewhere troublesome. Do they only keep growing if you continue to eat wrong things? Could they be encysted parasites the average pathologist wouldn’t be checking for during biopsy of the mass?

  4. Re: adrenals. Having steroid dependency over 20 years, I lose equilibrium when I skip a dose, and get fine motor tremors occasionally – easily mistaken for low sugar or Parkinsonian symptoms by well meaning friends. I do take Cal-Mg-Pot daily. What causes these symptoms, and can a person reverse a secondary Addisonian condition brought about by long term steroid use?

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